Example sentences of "in [adj] [noun] [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 It were bad where erm Have I been talking in that thing all time ?
2 In this house this time
3 Some extraordinary phenomena like nuclear reactions are almost impossible to test physically , and in some cases real time scales prove inconvenient , such as in weather forecasting .
4 There was no need to register in separate rooms this time .
5 Later that day , and with a good half-inch of our respective hair on the floor of a Soho salon , we hit the black suede pump shop , where I was noiselessly relieved of a week 's rehearsal pay on a pair of boots the same as the ones which fell apart in three months last time and a pair of the suede pumps ( ‘ EVERYBODY 'S wearing them ! ’ ) which , one week later , were flat and circular like dinghies .
6 In many operations more time is spent on searching for , collecting and assembling cleaning materials than is devoted to the pure cleaning function .
7 Then you can pick out what you 'd like to see in more detail another time .
8 ICI , in sixth place last time , has fallen to 12th : still heavily dependent on commodity chemicals , ICI 's restructuring has not made it as immune to the industry 's boom-bust cycles as it had hoped .
9 He predicts an increase in house-buying activity some time during 1993 which , in turn , will fuel demand for furniture .
10 Well I do n't li er I was in one class each time I went .
11 It is dangerous ( and forbidden to employees ) , but is you observe common-sense , stand firmly and hold the wood in same way each time , with all soft pink bits well away from the blade , you will not end up like the man in the story that the same Health and Safety Officer delighted in telling me .
12 ‘ Want to have another go at steering the boat — in open water this time ? ’
13 The Führer 's claim that his work had been sabotaged for years , and that the German war machine could run at full stretch now that the last plot had been foiled , was seen to demonstrate that the people had long been lied to in earlier statements that time was on Germany 's side and war production increasing .
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