Example sentences of "in [noun] [prep] the long " in BNC.

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1 Ben , whistling happily , serviced his car in preparation for the long drive North .
2 Where possible the ore , as has been mentioned , was hand dressed in preparation for the long journey to Keswick .
3 University students taught in schools in the long vacations , and expatriate teachers were hired , especially in rural areas .
4 In the summer the scene as the sun slowly sank , gave reflections in pink from the long river bank .
5 The principle of inverse irreversibility is often known by its more colloquial sobriquet as the ‘ Idiot child principle ’ , in deference to the long observed tendency of mothers to love best their least-promising offspring .
6 If this happens , your job could still be just as much in jeopardy in the long run as that of an employee who has clearly and inexcusably committed an offence .
7 Occasionally , in spite of the long time which has gone by without so much as a cuddle , you have a dreadful day and you just do not feel in the mood .
8 In spite of the long hours and sense of being almost constantly on call it was n't all work at Howard .
9 That 's how I was taught you see and so in spite of the long lapse of years there 's still a tremendous amount up there because it was , it was properly learnt , you learn something thoroughly
10 Rafferty had the opposite experience to Couples on the fifth , kicking off a bank into the lake , and also went in water on the long 16th .
11 ‘ Everyone loves dressing up , you know ’ , my ten year-old companion said to me as we walked together through Charlecote Park in Warwickshire down the long driveway to the sixteenth century gatehouse .
12 As well as attempting to distinguish CSPs from a more general type of phonological variable ( such as that found in Durham in the long and short /a/ classes ) , Kerswill examines a certain type of lexical variable , exemplified by parts of two competing pronoun systems found in Durham City ( table 6.11 ) .
13 Employers also try to discourage the mobility of their highly skilled labour because they wish to retrieve the investment made in training over the long term , and they certainly would not want competing firms to poach labour that they have trained .
14 There is a " down side " to this aspect of a career in advertising for the long hours can and do interfere with attempts to strike a balance between work and play , career and home .
15 The friar looked in surprise at the long , smoothly planed ash pole .
16 In view of the long list of orders that Harland and Wolff has procured — I welcome that , and wholly endorse what the Minister has said — the recent large pay-offs in the island are alarming .
17 On this particular occasion it was doubled in time by the long army convoys crawling up the hills out of Lydney and Chepstow as the machine for war was ponderously assembled .
18 Hugo 's restless eyes targeted a handsome dowager who stood in front of the long gilt mirrors .
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