Example sentences of "in [adv] [adv] as [pron] " in BNC.

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31 Abolitionists did not expect immediate conversion by slaveholders ; it was not necessary in so far as they were sure planters could not for long resist the economic imperatives .
32 They adamantly believed that ‘ at that time it was not done to ‘ ’ poach' ’ settled executives in any direct or overt way' ; but they may be seen as the precursors of headhunting in Britain , in so far as they acted as consultants in executive selection and advertising , within a general management consultancy practice .
33 The smaller nations get short shrift on somewhat different grounds : in so far as they are affected by general trends , their history recapitulates that of the major states .
34 Schegloff has made studies of the rules of conversation in so far as they govern who speaks when , and how we know when it is our turn to speak .
35 Nevertheless , since evolution is a conservative process our brains are likely to contain some components in common with other mammals in so far as they contain features that were characteristic of the common ancestor .
36 In their view this had hopelessly inhibited the quest for the causes of crime in the case of classical criminology , and diverted attention away from social defence in the case of the neoclassicists ( since the latter were only interested in ‘ determinants ’ of crime in so far as they reduced the offender 's responsibility ) .
37 The roots of disillusionment — in so far as they were the fruit of twelfth-century conditions and not merely the natural response to too high or too vaguely expressed expectations — lay in the intellectuals ' belief , stated by John of Salisbury .
38 With pragmatism truth and usefulness become fused : ‘ ideas … become true just in so far as they help us to get into satisfactory relations with other parts of our experience . ’
39 Besides , even those who argue that the answer to women 's dependency/op-pression in the home is for them to take outside jobs ( as if the sort of jobs open to most women were in any way more congenial and less exploitative than housework , except in so far as they are paid ) and put their children into publicly funded day-care centres , must surely allow that some women ( as well as men , of course ) would choose freely to look after children , otherwise how are the centres to be staffed ?
40 As has already been mentioned , insider traders also face the possibility of conviction under the US mail and wire fraud statutes in so far as they participate in a ‘ scheme … to defraud ’ ( ie breach of s.10b and Rule 10b-5 ) where use has been made of the postal system or telephonic communication .
41 But this does not mean that it is fitted only to be used on matters at the extreme end of the spectrum of abstraction — that it can , for instance , discuss people only in so far as they are rational beings , or sets of behaviour-patterns , or immortal souls .
42 The primal father of the horde is masterful , self-confident , independent and absolutely narcissistic ; other people are loved only in so far as they serve his needs .
43 In so far as they do , they are troubled : they try to find a way for women to be represented in a religion where the Godhead is conceived in male terms , and a way indeed to be able to associate themselves with a male God or Christ .
44 Men enjoy the blessings of the covenant in so far as they obey God 's commands .
45 Reports of Parliamentary proceedings are protected by the ordinary law of defamation in so far as they are fair and accurate unless the defamed person can prove malice .
46 Although we can not honestly say that those who unsuccessfully oppose a particular decision or policy consent to that decision or policy when it is carried out despite their opposition , we can say that they are nevertheless bound by that decision in so far as they accept both the principle of majority decisions and the fairness of the procedures through which the decision is reached or the policy made .
47 Definitions are useful only in so far as they encapsulate a particular conception or theory of the phenomena one wishes to study .
48 None of the operations I ( i , j ) , I(k) , I(l) , in so far as they affect the minors , can make a minor of order r + 1 nonzero , nor make the minor of order r vanish , since they merely condense these minors .
49 They raise questions about the notion that it guarantees a common curricular entitlement in so far as they yield teaching strategies which are applied to children classified as having learning difficulties , but not to others .
50 Specifically , the history of English since about 1550 is often presented as what Lass ( 1976 : xi ) has called a ‘ single-minded march ’ towards RP and modern standard English , with divergent developments either excluded or admitted only in so far as they throw light on ‘ standard ’ English .
51 It was difficult for them to appreciate that [ h ] -loss could ever have been anything else but a stigmatized form : in so far as they knew of evidence for it in earlier centuries , they tended to dismiss it , seemingly in the belief that ‘ vulgar ’ and ‘ careless ’ usage is not implicated in linguistic change .
52 If two groups have different perspectives , then , in so far as they are able to create the world , they naturally attempt to do so in accordance with their own perspective , or ‘ habitus ’ .
53 Since s. 2(2) OLA 1957 requires the occupier to take such care as is reasonable to see that visitors will be reasonably safe in using the premises for the purposes for which they are invited or permitted by the occupier to be there , lawful visitors will be owed a duty only in so far as they remain within the scope of their invitation or permission to be on the premises .
54 Promoters of public investment projects should take into account the external effects of their actions in so far as they alter the physical production possibilities of other producers or the satisfaction that consumers get from given resources .
55 Are they solely to do with consciousness ( in so far as they relate to ontological stakes or emotional investments in racist ideology which may be pre- or even un-conscious ) ?
56 Tied cottagers received protection under the Rent Act 1957 only in so far as they were ‘ tenants ’ who were entitled to four weeks ' notice to quit and could not be evicted without prior warning .
57 No doubt the material culture of the Russians was more highly developed than that of most Siberian peoples , in so far as they built log houses with wooden floors , windows and stoves ; wore clothing made of textiles woven from linen , hemp or wool ; used steam-baths ; were able to shoot game ( and people ) more efficiently with bullets than with arrows ; used vessels made of ceramics or metal ; provided themselves with grain and vegetables where natural conditions permitted , and so on .
58 Their Lordships abstain from detailed discussions of these questions , in so far as they were developed in argument , for that would lead the Board to fall into precisely the errors against which Griffiths L.J .
59 Treaty in so far as they applied to all owners , charterers , managers and operators of British fishing vessels and to 75 per cent .
60 The material facts of that case , in so far as they relate to the present appeal , were that on the application of the Crown Prosecution Service , McCullough J. made a restraint order pursuant to section 77 of the Criminal Justice Act 1988 in respect of the assets held by the applicants , a husband and wife .
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