Example sentences of "in [pron] [adj] way [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 In my small way I felt that a little daylight was filtering through .
2 I sympathize because in my little way I grieve too , but over the people in my life I have allowed to die without ever having shown them any particular affection .
3 It is exactly the same tension that made The Smiths a success , and in their low-key way I suspect that Felt will keep some of the same cult appeal now they are gone .
4 In their own way they were the spiritual precursors of Mrs Thatcher 's ‘ Star Chamber ’ .
5 While the Danzig Poles were not keen for the city to come under Polish rule , they were nevertheless determined that they should not be penalised for being Polish , and in their own way they were proud of their identity — even if it did not quite amount to ‘ nationality ’ in a conventional sense .
6 In their own way they all felt the same .
7 In her unsentimental way she loved children , though no one was better aware of their knavish tricks .
8 And erm in her particular way she was quite a good cook too .
9 In her insistent way she asked Jane for the loan of a field in which to hold a charity fair .
10 It was exactly as I had always imagined the Dark Ages to be , and in its terrible way it was apt .
11 In its peculiar way it sounded quite logical .
12 Though perhaps in his blustery way he did try to be friends with them .
13 In his unobtrusive way he had shown his interest in my faltering attempts to climb the golfing ladder , and had even carried my bag in the Amateur Championship .
14 In his quiet way he really grilled me about Sandy . ’
15 In his offhand way he dismissed ’ federal ’ as ’ only a word ’ .
16 Roberts suggests that in his own way he 's as obsessed as the people he 's observing .
17 In his own way he is something of an expert on the private lives of actresses .
18 She realised that in his own way he was being considerate , for by refusing to talk she was laying herself open to torture .
19 In his own way he was as dangerous as Marcus — had n't he already trapped her into staying with him longer than she deemed either necessary or wise ?
20 Archie may not have been fastidious , but in his own way he was cultivated .
21 What the patients need is to have emotional fear and pain acknowledged and expressed through words , tears or in whatever other way they find helpful .
22 His purpose was not to be charismatic ; he would be himself in whatever mundane way it took .
23 Well , the people were so impressed they , you could have heard a pin drop in that hall , and he really in our Welsh way he put it over proper you know and erm the Chairman made a quite a nice remark in the end he said , Now he said we must remember these two fellows here , I said , They are Welsh and they speak Welsh as their first language they do n't speak it for fancy they use it every day and he said I think they 've done exceedingly well er to come down here and give us the Because what happen I was sit in the front row and somebody asked me a question and he said , Perhaps er Dafydd there can answer .
24 Then in your friendly way you start a cross-examination .
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