Example sentences of "in [pron] [adj] [noun pl] he " in BNC.

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1 If he had heard her do that in their single days he would never have married her .
2 And yet that high broad forehead was his , the little tilted nose was his , his the pointed — although in her case , flat — ears , and in her huge eyes he saw his own little ones .
3 In its four quarters he kept his four ‘ wives ’ , each totally oblivious of the others , until sheer misfortune led to his discovery and his just deserts .
4 He quickly came to be on close terms both with Edward himself , in whose Scottish wars he regularly served , and with his heir .
5 Music hall had shown Eliot that the chorus of the Greek drama in whose primitive origins he had exhibited such interest , could still work on the modern stage .
6 But in his two lectures he contented himself with a couple of scattered references to " Apolline clarity " and tragedy 's — actually Shakespearean tragedy 's — " Dionysiac " quality .
7 In his first years he developed his interests in stratigraphy of the Chalk and in Pleistocene and Recent deposits , before he was transferred to the Lake District .
8 I was slightly surprised that he should get to the front so early , in his other races he 's usually slow to get going .
9 Hogarth also lived there , but he was often at his business address in Leicester Fields , and in his latter years he became ‘ Sergeant Painter ’ to the King .
10 In his latter years he created an elaborate water garden at the cottage ornée he had built for himself on the outskirts of Plymouth , and was wont to drive round the streets of the town in a gig disguised as a Roman war chariot , looking , in Wightwick 's words ‘ ( as far as his true English face and costume allowed ) like Ictinus of the Parthenon , ‘ out for a lark ’ . ’
11 In his latter years he took little day-to-day interest in racing , but was seen as an elder statesman of the turf .
12 Even in India , where Owen had served before he came to Egypt , and where in his latter years he had been seconded from his regiment to an Intelligence post on the Frontier , it had been normal practice to purchase information .
13 Though reserved in his interpersonal relationships he nevertheless displays good interpersonal skills .
14 And what was the greater plan that Chant hoped in his final hours he was a part of ?
15 In his final years he tried to revive his career in an American television series about martial arts called The Master ( 1986 ) but it failed and another series never got beyond the pilot stage .
16 Ned Corvan was a song-writer , fiddler and performer in the working-class concert halls and pubs of Tyne side in North-East England during the 1850s and early 1860s ; in his final years he also worked in the first of the new kind of music halls , owned by commercially ambitious entrepreneurs and orientated more towards a nationally organized market and production system .
17 In his final years he witnessed the introduction of vaccination ( 1798 ) and the rejection of inoculation by the majority of doctors .
18 Because in his shining colours he reflected her back in coral and violet , a shimmer of organdie , pearl and secure .
19 In his 42 Tests he has landed 588 points .
20 In his sober moods he was inordinately proud of his beautiful daughter .
21 In his earliest appearances he is ‘ Richard son of Siward ’ indicating English ancestry and the name of a father or earlier progenitor .
22 In his early teens he turned to reading poetry , then to writing it — and , though he showed his poems to his sisters , he kept them secret from his mother .
23 In his early months he sought to stimulate the interest of the Cambridge Board in the appointment of resident tutors to pioneer development in the eastern counties of the District .
24 If the young barrister has any spare time in his early years he should use it to prolong his pupillage in fact if not in name .
25 In his early years he sailed in the ships of the Dieppe armateur , Jean Ango .
26 In his early years he appeared in concert parties .
27 In his early days he had been clerk of the race-course , but is more well known as the fiery Salvationist he became after his conversion .
28 That 's why David could say , against thee , thee only have I sinned after he 's committed adultery , after he 's committed murder , after he 's involved other people in his nefarious deeds he can still say I 've committed sin against God !
29 In his four hands he holds a sceptre , a string of beads , a bow and a book of scripture .
30 In his drugged dreams he saw the silent faces crying ; he saw the loving mouth distorted with grief ; he knew about the humiliation and the want — all his fault , his fault , his responsibility , his wickedness , his weakness , his sin , his sacrificial past , the victim to what end — who was murdered at that powerful stone circle near Keswick ?
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