Example sentences of "in [art] [noun sg] you could " in BNC.

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1 It was nearly dark , but in the half-light you could just make out four or five women fussing around a surprisingly elderly-looking girl trussed up in a red Rajasthani costume .
2 Her face was cast downwards but even in the half-light you could see that the poor girl looked terrified .
3 The first time you use your Steamatic in the bathroom you could be in for quite a surprise .
4 The bulbs were n't just scattered , but were arranged in the correct patterns — so that if you looked up you could see ( if you knew which star was which ) , up there amongst all the dragons , bulls and poisonous scuttlers of the Heavens , right in the centre you could see the constellation which I always thought of as being our special one , a solitary man walking with his faithful dog , the high summer constellation of Orion , the Hunter , stretched and striding above us .
5 To safeguard their health in the meantime you could give them advice about how to reduce the risks they are taking .
6 Well it was er it was transparent in the water you could see the fish in the water and and er , you could see the turtles and the
7 If you needed a new sanitary towel in the night you could n't get one .
8 Erm I think we need to endorse the action taken by the judicial treasurer and then if we was then to go onto second bits , which is urging the churches to give five percent more than that in the past you could debate that se separately .
9 But should go to another factory and er hold your own in the factory you could expect to get the full money , which I did at twenty one .
10 You were so successful at it that in the end you could vanish without leaving a soul behind sufficiently concerned about you to kick up a fuss — only a solicitor worried about the legal hang-ups , and especially the money !
11 Okay but you can learn quite a bit you could check any of the food or the drinks that you 've got in the house you could at those to see how you spell them ca n't you .
12 In the countryside you could still find ‘ in every populous village a man or woman of three-score years of age .
13 She said , ‘ If you came earlier on in the alphabet you could have stayed there .
14 At three o'clock in the morning you could look up and their windows were blazing with light .
15 Once Lucy was in the cot you could just squeeze in the door .
16 There was nothing in the world you could have done to save him . ’
17 In a night-club you could show me how you chat-up .
18 Er in a sense you could say that the leader becomes the conscience of the , of the group .
19 I suppose in a way you could draw parallels with the old Samson and Delilah story , ’ he said , leaning forward in his seat to make his point .
20 So the divorce of sex from reproduction which is erm a very common and even fashionable view in the later twentieth century and of course is one very much facilitated by modern birth control technology and things like that this , this divorce of sex and reproduction is in a way you could say a characteristically male way of looking at things if the male 's er contribution to offspring does n't go much further than the initial fertilization .
21 So you would still be able to identify targets but those targets may become a bit more general , I E because in the past the landlord as a class had always sided with the Kuomintang then i it gives you the opportunity to go back and attack them , almost the landlords per se in a way you could n't during the Japanese war because clearly loyal landlords were fighting the Japanese .
22 But she was in a frenzy you could see that !
23 So if you hide something in a book you could say ‘ If you read you 'll find me ’ or if you hide a clue under a towel you could say ‘ You will find me when it 's time to dry yourself ’ .
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