Example sentences of "a great [noun] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 That does n't mean we have to go around in a great lather of gratitude all the time .
2 He 's scratched a great tuft of fur out . "
3 The hook had ripped a great tuft of flesh from his throat .
4 There was a more brilliant flash of lightning followed almost at once by a great crash of thunder .
5 The king awoke out of his sleep to a frightful sound , like a great crash of thunder and the hissing flight of a thousand arrows .
6 ‘ I remember on one occasion , soon after I began operating , cutting into an artery by mistake , and a great spurt of blood like a fountain came up into my face .
7 He positioned his head , made a gesture with his hand , the axe swirled again , his body jerked , the head bounced on to the scaffold in a great spurt of scarlet .
8 The point is that an orderly community can exist only if it shares many practices , and that in all modern pluralistic societies a great measure of toleration of vastly differing outlooks is made possible by the fact that many of them enable the vast majority of the population to accept common standards of conduct .
9 There was a great measure of bounce in Peter Marron 's pitch , and it lasted most of the match .
10 In local authority work today committee work has become so important that a great measure of power is given to committees .
11 Wednesday was the last day when Berlin retained some appearance of a great capital at peace .
12 His book Norway , the Northern Playground ( 1903 ) is not only a great story of adventure and exploration , but also a gold-mine of information about the folklore and way of life of the Norwegians in their mountain homes .
13 Organised by Pat Palmer and entered with great gusto by teams from classes , the event was great fun to watch and a great success for Age Concern , Action Research for the Crippled Child and the Medau Society who shared the proceeds .
14 Like most good theories , theirs integrates a great accumulation of evidence which , once presented in a single context , makes the theory seem almost self-evident .
15 Every spell of cold , wet weather brings on coarse rattlings in the chest , a great accumulation of mucus in the air passages , or constant colds one after another .
16 Colds descend and produce hoarseness then rawness of the trachea , then to the chest with suffocation and a great accumulation of mucus but there is an expulsive power to the cough ( unlike in Antimonium tartaricum ) .
17 Announced in a great flurry of publicity in November 1991 , the Patient 's Charter announced 10 " charter rights " for patients in the NHS , as part of the Citizen 's Charter initiative .
18 The hon. Gentleman is of course a great expert in hypocrisy , and in the Community too — because he served as a European Member of Parliament when he was last defeated as a Member of the House of Commons ; no doubt he will have to return there after the next general election .
19 MANCHESTER UNITED supporters in middle-age and beyond no doubt heaved a great sigh of relief yesterday when something akin to reasonable order was restored at Old Trafford .
20 WHILE pundits and pollsters floundered yesterday , householders breathed a great sigh of relief after the election was won and lost on that most emotive of personal finance issues — taxation .
21 When they discovered this famous Plowden sentence about the importance of the child at the top of this chapter , they welcomed it with a great sigh of relief .
22 I tried to convince him there must be jugs at the grade and he fell for it , allowing me to breathe a great sigh of relief .
23 When there were no sounds of activity she heaved a great sigh of relief and carried on through the living-room towards the front door .
24 On December 7 1992 , a great sigh of relief ran through Gardner Merchant 's offices around the world .
25 As his car went away she gave a great sigh of relief and Marguerite shot her an amused glance .
26 The private sector breathed a great sigh of relief when the Labour group was returned to power in this city .
27 Tactfully she waited quietly as she noticed Helen 's tension , and as Sophie cut the last thread , covered the wound with antibiotic powder , and bandaged it up , Helen heaved a great sigh of relief .
28 She opened the surgery door and Helen greeted her with a great sigh of relief .
29 Maggie gave a great sigh of exasperation .
30 He gave a great sigh of satisfaction as she tried to wriggle herself closer .
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