Example sentences of "a very long [noun] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 This suggested that the red shift was instead caused by the expansion of the universe , which , in turn , meant that the object was a very long distance away .
2 It all seemed such a very long while ago
3 Left to their own devices , most roses tend to develop new growth into which they direct their sap and energy , bear bloom , and which then — as it becomes old and tired — gradually either becomes starved , by-passed , neglected and finally aborted as the plant constantly turns its attention to new growth , or it develops a barky exterior layer as it settles down to becoming no more than a main road communicating between the raw material goods received from the warehouse in the soil and the production factory upstairs — quite often , a very long way upstairs .
4 ‘ Modern economics , as well as the geography of the whole of Ireland means that ultimately — and ultimately can be a very long way away — our Labour Party policy on reunification is the one that will be endorsed .
5 Now that it was over Edward seemed to have gone a very long way away from her , as if she was no more than a stranger to whom he was giving a lift .
6 Leasing obviously still has its dedicated followers , but like many other sectors the boom years of the mid-1980s now look a very long way away .
7 This is well over half a magnitude fainter than Sirius , but appearances are deceptive ; Canopus is a highly luminous star , a very long way away .
8 We 're getting not just somewhere a very long way away ,
9 You have to go back a very long way indeed to a more decorous age when politicians did n't use the memoir as a weapon for reopening old wounds .
10 Young Mr Woodroofe , you read it here first , will eventually go a very long way indeed .
11 It was a very long journey right across the Atlas mountains and down to the edge of the desert .
12 McKellar argued that while more than 70 per cent of people answering a questionnaire reported at least one hypnagogic experience the actual incidence may be even higher , as " it can be overlooked for a very long time even by those who subsequently realize that they have the experience frequently …
13 It seemed like a very long time ago when I and others followed Lovat into this house .
14 SOUL was once — a very long time ago — the sound of a psyche breaking up , shattered by desire or loss — a wracked catharsis , an ailing , dejected , broken sound , essentially tragic .
15 Although viruses have such a simple structure , biologists do not conclude that they are necessarily ‘ primitive ’ ; that is , that they evolved a very long time ago as precursors of more complex organisms .
16 In some ways those days when she had lived in Paula 's shadow seemed a very long time ago , in others they might have been just yesterday .
17 A very long time ago , she must have been pretty .
18 Experts now solve the problem by placing them in a separate order which , they believe , branched off a very long time ago and did not lead to more advanced forms .
19 Such a very long time ago .
20 There was someone before in Alex 's day , that 's a very long time ago .
21 there have n't been many ice hockey sims on the 64 — the only two I can recall ( Powerplay Hockey and Superstar Ice Hockey ) were a very long time ago .
22 The comment : ‘ a very long time ago ’ , was appended to the previous use of honey ( 1 ) and yoghurt ( 1 ) .
23 ‘ This is something I should 'ave done a very long time ago .
24 The people in his past had been real once but , although that was a very long time ago , he had never been able to forget them or what they had done to his life .
25 A very long time ago .
26 Those days seemed such a very long time ago , and seeing Alice now , so chic , so elegant , it was almost impossible to remember her in her grey-and-white-striped uniform and white cap , calling Madeleine ‘ Miss ’ and Aubrey ‘ Master ’ !
27 Anyway , it had been a very long time ago , goodness gracious , it had been at least six years .
28 And then , with an abrupt gesture , ‘ But it was a very long time ago , and I do not know the details , for I was never told .
29 The nuns , Nenna 's nuns , what a very long time ago it seemed , in a class known as plain sewing , had taught her bygone arts , darning , patching , reinforcing collars with tape , which at last found their proper object in Willis 's outmoded garments .
30 They seem a very long time ago now .
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