Example sentences of "a few [noun] [conj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Rory pushed herself out of her chair , suddenly fuelled by restless energy , and strode to the window , gazing unseeingly over the lawn for a few moments as anger seethed within her .
2 The Soul Eater crouched for a few moments and Nuadu saw that a thin silvery fluid was beginning to course along its hollow talons .
3 We then had quite a few chances before Norwich scored on a rare break with 11 mins left .
4 Apart from a few ornaments and pictures he had paid for everything .
5 Cardiff foreshore turned up a few conger and codling .
6 Booksellers also tend to prefer not to be associated exclusively with a few authorities or institutions , so that they themselves are less vulnerable to any changes in those libraries ' policies .
7 Candida set about improving Sara 's still boyish figure with a few handkerchiefs and pins .
8 Gilkicker and Browndown yielding a few pout and dabs after dark .
9 you know just cos there 's a few fights and drunks down there , I thought it ca n't be that bad .
10 During the bad weather we experienced a few disasters and events , but they were of little consequence .
11 But all day he would n't talk to me , and I must admit , I did get quite a few looks and remarks from boys there .
12 Once again they were relatively complex to use and whilst smaller and faster still restricted the user to a few faces and sizes at any one time .
13 A few supermarkets and food shops were open , most with long queues of customers waiting in the intense heat , hoping to stock up on food and other necessities in case the paralysis of the city 's life continues .
14 As always , we have to be prepared beforehand , and as we can not start the job without tools , this is the place for a few dos and don'ts .
15 They have always been notable sources of reference for serious scholars , of course , and there have always been just a few teachers and parents who have made it their business , over the years , to arrange educational visits both for themselves and for schoolchildren .
16 It really is a multi-million pound industry … convincing people they could look better just a few pounds or stones lighter and this is how to do it .
17 They can be taken a few hours before sleep is required in the new time zone .
18 Some of the refugees had been living in Polish exile for as long as seven weeks , while others arrived only a few hours before West German diplomats announced they could leave .
19 It was important to remember that it was only a few hours since Floy and Snodgrass had left Tara , the Shining Citadel , the Bright Palace , and that there was not very much that could have gone wrong for them in those few hours .
20 The assault came only a few hours after Gorbachev had reassured a Federation Council meeting in Moscow that force would not be used .
21 Voting had been suspended only a few hours after polling began , because of " premeditated acts of sabotage " , according to Ismaila Nimaga , Minister of Public Security and Territorial Administration .
22 Whether I was asleep or not , a few hours or minutes later I am undoubtedly awake .
23 They may also know of people seeking work for a few hours or days per week , perhaps to help out with the garden , or heavier household tasks , or shopping .
24 These eruptions give rise to rocks known as ignimbrites , and they are so powerful that tens of cubic kilometres of ignimbrite can be erupted in nuee ardente-like incandescent clouds in the space of a few hours or days .
25 What I must do is get to know the people over a few hours or days and find out what they 're trying to do , what their activities are , whether they have children or pets .
26 The life-shortening effect in LAWER is claimed to be ‘ smaller than that in euthanasia because the patients usually have only a few hours or days to live ’ .
27 The couple 's interest in gardening began with the desire to grow fuchsias to fill a few pots and baskets .
28 Dustin , who had arrived with Anne , three-month-old Jennifer , and a nanny , played the piano or sang dirty songs to a guitar accompaniment in the hotel lounge in the evenings and , on one occasion , went into the kitchen to gather a few pots and pans to use as bongo drums in order to entertain his colleagues .
29 The day progressed and I had searched a reasonably large expanse of foreshore without much to show by way of finds apart from a few pennies and halfpennies .
30 ( A wry comment from two young people who sometimes had to delay posting letters until they could find a few pennies for stamps . )
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