Example sentences of "a way [prep] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 None the less , the concepts are powerful and provide a way into understanding the more detailed managerial explanations that follow later .
2 Personally I thought the fears overdone , but nevertheless I sought to find a way of transferring the operation to the private sector which would minimize the risk of industrial action .
3 The equivalence principle indicates a way of transferring the definition of a geodesic to curved space–time .
4 It is a way of experiencing the facts " .
5 Thus it came about that Tanberg anticipated the second ingredient in the Fleischmann and Pons story : he introduced ‘ electrolysis ’ as a way of encouraging the hydrogen to come together .
6 This was a way of defining the parish boundary , and every half mile or so gospels would be read and a cross erected .
7 We then telephoned for an ambulance , got her admitted into hospital , and finally wrote a letter of admittance as well — both as a formality , and as a way of stating the patient 's medical history , and the findings of the doctor after an examination .
8 Eventually National Socialism , which was deeply rooted in this national complex , was felt to be a way of withstanding the impact of unfettered foreign capitalism on German society , a way of organising the country 's own resources and of competing on more equitable terms — by force where necessary .
9 On one level that phrase indicates that it is the old person 's own independence which is being guarded , but on another level the idea of wanting to remain independent in old age is a way of according the proper independence to one 's children .
10 First , he has devised a way of buying the ground at less than half price .
11 Ukrainian President Leonid Kravchuk , making a public apology for Ukraine 's part in the massacre , acknowledged for the first time that Babi Yar had been primarily a massacre of Jews , and commentators noted that the ceremony was also a way of emphasising the government 's insistence on minority rights in Ukraine ( where 500,000 Jews still lived ) .
12 In this case ideology would simply be a way of loading the dice in one 's own favour and hence since the ground rules would obviously vary there could be no way of ever comparing two ideologies .
13 The argument of many feminists is that the myth of the objectivity of the physical sciences has been a way of legitimizing the abuse of knowledge within a patriarchal and capitalist framework .
14 Co-operative R&D ventures are interesting in this respect because they are a way of organizing the process of innovation which promises to minimize static inefficiencies without sacrificing dynamic efficiency .
15 Either way , research of this kind can provide invaluable information , ‘ a way of evaluating the effectiveness of the organisation in conveying its goals , mission and code of conduct to the target publics upon whose support the organisation is dependent for continued existence . ’
16 Irony is at the same time a characteristic form of the contemporary imagination and a way of thinking the specific forms of engagement which the distractions of the everyday and the interruptions of its temporality might facilitate in television viewing .
17 And look on the feelings , etc. , as you look on a way of regarding the language-game , as interpretation ’ ; ‘ We are not analysing a phenomenon ( e.g. thought ) but a concept ( e.g. that of thinking ) , and therefore the use of a word ’ ; ‘ a concept is in its element with the language-game ’ .
18 The emphasis was therefore on the internal procedures of the institutions — a way of sharing the Council 's procedures .
19 I hate throwing my MKM away so I devised a way of condensing the information and patterns .
20 It would be useful to have a way of determining the fair sterling-dollar exchange rate independently of knowing whether these other relationships were equilibrium ones .
21 We may see here a way of expressing the double motif of God 's transcendence and immanence discussed above .
22 Then I try to find a way of expressing the idea and there is n't one .
23 A ratio is a way of expressing the relationship of one figure to another , for example :
24 Gurney , who scored 205 goals in his fourteen years with Sunderland , worked out a way of drawing the centre-half with him while collecting the ball from the wing then suddenly laying it back to the centre for another forward .
25 Eventually National Socialism , which was deeply rooted in this national complex , was felt to be a way of withstanding the impact of unfettered foreign capitalism on German society , a way of organising the country 's own resources and of competing on more equitable terms — by force where necessary .
26 Dave Sprott , the northern dentist at 102 , whose carefully preserved northern accent had always seemed to Henry a way of criticizing the London suburb in which he found himself , suggested that they ‘ hire ’ St Paul 's Cathedral .
27 A strategy using incentives is best restricted to ( and presented as ) a way of helping the child learn to do something which is very difficult , or as an appreciation of a special effort ( or sacrifice ) made .
28 It is then up to the teacher or therapist to help the parents accept that an assessment may be useful as a way of helping the child without necessarily providing a diagnostic label or a clear statement regarding the child 's future .
29 There were several reasons why Adenauer pursued such a line of argument : it might be a way of helping the new West German state to achieve equality in the international order ; it might placate West German annoyance over the role of the International Ruhr Authority ; and it might in time offer an opportunity for West Germany to regain sovereignty of the coal and steel producing Saar , which still remained in French hands .
30 Here again , builders sometimes have a way of varying the internal party walls without telling anybody , sometimes plaintively observing ( as the troubles that ensue from this fall about their lawyer 's ears ) , " But the contract said the plan was only for identification , " and see head 6 above as to plans .
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