Example sentences of "a [adj] than [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I suppose this is more of a forewarning than a request for permission , as I was going to send them this week anyway .
2 The masquerade of camp becomes less a self-concealment than a kind of attack , and untruth a virtue : many a young man , says Wilde , ‘ starts with the natural gift of exaggeration which , if encouraged could flourish .
3 ‘ It 's always nice to get on the scoresheet , but I really do see myself more as a goal-maker than a goalscorer .
4 Even so , a sense of vocation is noticeable among most field officers , even many of the older ones : pollution control is still conceived of and practised more as a calling than a job .
5 I told him last week that he looked more like a German than a Frenchman and he became very cross . ’
6 Her Majesty 's Inspectorate of Schools is more of a lap-dog than a rottweiler .
7 Mm my feet are sweating now , but , she seems to have a bug in there or summat , cos it 's more like a burning than a sweat , it
8 Betty thought he looked more like a gipsy than a minister — ; a good gypsy .
9 She could be described as prejudiced but she can no more be called a racist than a rape victim who hates men can be called sexist .
10 It is more of a cabal than a cabinet , more of a permanent diplomatic conference than a senate .
11 For all the earthy language and talk of struggles to come , it sounded more like community singing in a bomb-shelter than a call to arms .
12 In the last interview he gave to a French journalist before the war began , Ho , in envisaging the way in which ‘ at all costs war must be averted ’ , seemed to accept independence within the French Union ; although unless this was based on a total misunderstanding of the nature of the French Union , which also seems unlikely , this was probably more of a smoke-screen than a smoke-signal .
13 More of a revolutionary than a reformer . ’
14 It has now been addressed with elegant passion by no more subversive a revolutionary than the president of Assurances Generales de France , Michel Albert .
15 I am going to offer , more as a case-study than a prescription , my own thoughts about what education ought to be , and what kind of ‘ schooling ’ would be an appropriate channel for its delivery .
16 She had soaked the leather to bend and shape it into the form of a small shoe , but her hands were sore and her back ached and she wondered briefly if there might be an easier way of making a living than the trade her father had chosen for her .
17 Rose blooms take a variety of different forms , best summarized as ( a ) single , with a single circlet of five petals , ( b ) double , with anything from 10 to 30 petals , ( c ) semi-double , with up to 15 petals but opening more like a single than a double , and ( d ) the old favourite quartered rose , with its many petals curled into four ‘ quarters ’ .
18 ‘ Rather be a tart than a Gallegan . ’
19 It was some player indeed who could unleash a power-drive with a ball that was more like a cannon-ball than a football !
20 Everyone seems to agree that it is easier to translate a novel than a poem : that one may appreciate the greatness of Dostoevsky in translation in a way that is not possible ( say ) of Pushkin .
21 It logically follows from this that a fit person should need less sleep than an unfit one , or a man than a woman , or a grown-up than a child .
22 Indeed , among these villains of the wheel , the woman cyclist was possibly even more of a portent than the cyclist juror .
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