Example sentences of "a [adj] [adv] [noun] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The bodies of two men have been found in a burnt out pick-up truck .
2 In principle , the generation of any supersonic disturbance of a high enough Mach number ( velocity divided by the local speed of sound ) in a molecular cloud will produce H-H-like spectra , provided that the shocked gas can radiate sufficiently well .
3 " I 'm not wearing a proper enough business suit to meet Sir Willie in , " she moaned .
4 Having coded the behaviour , a simple pairwise correlation analysis for 50 variables gives a matrix of 1225 unique combinations to mull over : a psychological Rubik cube to be twisted and turned in the grim hope that some sort of pattern will emerge .
5 Our July Surgery provides information on how to detect the state of a contact breaker in a magneto , the circuit of an experimental pulse comparator , and a simple a.m. radio tuner .
6 His argument against me had been my lack of experience — he particularly wanted someone who had a lost more PR experience .
7 Hardly surprisingly Cardus sees all his main rivals on Hondas , with the Aprilias and Suzuki unlikely to be capable of mounting a consistent enough championship campaign .
8 A. If you find a house or flat you could buy but ca n't get a large enough building society or bank mortgage , the local authority may be able to help in the following ways :
9 All major WordPerfect products will be developed for IBM OS/2 2.0 Although technically superior to Microsoft Windows and even offering Windows 3.0 software compatibility , OS/2 suffers from not having a large enough software base and not yet having reached a critical mass of users .
10 What the DECies say they have is a 150MHz chip with a large enough heat sink ( palm-sized ) that it does n't need a fan to dissipate Alpha 's heat .
11 In the lowlands the basic facts of land use have already been outlined in Table 8.2 ( 8th line of data ) and although there have been a number of local studies of landscape change ( Blacksell and Gilg , 1981 ) , only nationally commissioned studies can provide a large enough resource base for an adequate survey of both landscape change and the behavioural aspects behind the change .
12 ‘ We needed uplighters , but we did n't have a regular enough ceiling grid for low-voltage halogens , so we had to use high-frequency fluorescents . ’
13 He is ungroundedly pessimistic over the prospect of developing a powerful enough learning theory to account for language acquisition .
14 You can have a good reasonably prices meal in the upstairs restaurant or a hearty snack in good company at the famous Abbotsford bar , a glorious piece of Victoriana .
15 Overall , though , most individuals survive with a good enough attachment pattern established in early life , and from then on attachments and separations come and go as the span of life develops .
16 Brian Chievely Phillips , M.C. , who has died aged 76 , was a well-known and popular figure on the Kentish sporting scene and beyond , a robust striker of the cricket ball and lethal coverpoint , a good enough lawn tennis player to win the Kent singles title in 1948 and , most notably , for many years a leading squash exponent who played seven years for England , in 1948 as captain , and over 20 years for Kent .
17 He also refilled air-bottles for scuba divers , ran sports-fishing excursions and , despite his slow left knee , was a good enough tennis player to have been hired as a coach at some of the Lucaya hotels , though the Maggot 's career as a tennis coach had been somewhat jeopardised by his insistence on helping only the prettier guests to improve their game .
18 Thus Caroline Norton , who was the subject of a trumped up crim. con. suit and who lost the custody of her children , is portrayed as a simple victim , albeit in her case not a passive one .
19 In the sixth edition §248 Hahnemann describes the daily succussion of the LM solutions as : ‘ altering and slightly increasing the degree of potency ’ suggesting a gradual almost exponential curve of increasing potency which never actually reaches the next degree until a further dilution step in taken .
20 Suzi Hoflin came in with two of her pupils and put Ingrid through a reasonable enough gypsy dance routine .
21 The experts say that for a woman over about 40 , SERPS is definitely going to be better , and if she has been paying into a contracted out PP scheme up to that time , she should change over then .
22 This does not provide a big enough buffer stock to allow each group to vary its speed of working through the day to a significant enough degree .
23 There is the difficulty of finding a big enough storage medium to hold all the required data and there is the problem of retrieving large volumes of data from the storage medium fast enough to update the screen for moving information .
24 It was a common enough defence mechanism , but he was interested to see how many Anthea Darnell would be needing to employ .
25 The pattern books also come with a unique LARGE PRINT option , plus a one-side only print feature which leaves plenty of room for a knitter 's own notes ( no more trying to make out what you have scribbled in the margin ) .
26 The letter demanded that air cleaning equipment be installed in coal-fired power plants in North Bohemia within two years and that power production be cut to a minimum whenever air pollution levels deteriorated .
27 In addition , consultancy , training and information , including a new bi-monthly magazine Adviser and a specially developed electronic database — ‘ Lawtel ’ — are available to all UK CABx .
28 She was sent to a local predominantly majority school in Washington , and although credible from a political point of view , the move presented the impressionable girl with a confusing and often unstable lifestyle .
29 These peaks were consistent with the existence of a local fivefold rotation axis and also provided a calculated self-rotation function which agreed very well with the observed self-rotation function .
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