Example sentences of "a [adj] [conj] [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 That suggested a rich and golden time .
2 The case studies will have a retrospective and real time component .
3 It had been a welcome respite in a cruel and anguished time .
4 It was a vague but important time in the cultural and social history of the western world , a good time for those who were in it and enjoying themselves , a bad time for those who were dismayed at ‘ young people today ’ .
5 All research and development projects work within a limited and known time span .
6 The second feature of this modest success is that differences of opinion about tactics and ecology have , generally , been submerged in working towards clearly identified goals which have always been attached to a limited and defined time frame .
7 It made her very uneasy having hir in the same building as Ari at such a dangerous and important time .
8 It was a dark and terrible time .
9 For a brief and glorious time , they were the world 's most expansive landlords .
10 Everyone is different , and although obviously some birth complications can be foreseen , such as if the baby is in an unusual position , or if the mother is particularly small and slim , in general , every expectant mother goes into labour hoping for the best , hoping that she 'll be the one to have a quick and easy time .
11 A fine and storming time was had by all ( to put it mildly ) , the degenerate nature of the evening summed up perfectly by the mildly amusing spectacle of one SHAUN RYDER being carried out of the venue at the end of the night , screaming out the directions to his hotel to his sweating , grumbling slaves .
12 Perhaps after a long and unpleasant time in various German prison camps in Bavaria , Czechoslovakia and Brunswick , where the prisoners had been subjected to very severe bombing raids in which a number of them were killed , he had lost some of his characteristically boyish expression , but his sense of humour had n't suffered .
13 This was a busy and fruitful time , and the team were given a warm welcome in all the places we worked .
14 Christmas day is a busy and exciting time for everyone , but we should not forget the reason for our celebration .
15 Osteonecrosis is believed to be a result of ischaemia of the juxta-articular bone for either a short or long time .
16 The use of the relay at this point may seem a bit odd as the switching could be electronically activated , but the use of a mechanical relay introduces a small but desirable time variation ( as well as possible bounce ! ) in the duration of the relays closure and so helps in enhancing the random operation of IC6 during the short time that the VCO is producing its high frequency output .
17 The baby inside the womb , therefore , had come to associate a particular signature tune with a peaceful and relaxed time , and had continued this association even after birth .
18 It can take as long as two weeks after you give your blood sample before you get your result , which can be a difficult and stressful time .
19 For young Carol Jones , just eleven years old , it was a terrifying and wonderful time .
20 ‘ It must be a worrying and distressing time for you , Mr Choak . ’
21 And yet , though I feel so sure that we shall spend a lovely but short time together somewhere alone , yet when I think calmly I grow despairing , for if I went to stay with you , anywhere in the same house and alone , nothing would induce mother to believe me really innocent and pure in heart .
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