Example sentences of "a [adj] [noun] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 The plot centred on mankind 's confrontation with a Galactic enemy called the Diaboli .
2 He looks at me as if I am crazy , and watches a grateful cat dragging the carcass to a safe distance with disapproval .
3 Certainly , no-one devising a system of government for a late twentieth-century industrial democracy would give the right to alter legislation to a group of people whose only qualification is the fact that at some time in the dim and distant past a grateful monarch rewarded the loyalty , bravery , intrigue , obsequiousness or blackmail of an ancestor with the grant of a title and the profits of plunder .
4 Dr. Edward Merrill , President of Gallaudet College , was one of the guest speakers ; the other wad Dr. McMay Vernon , Professor of Psychology and Education of Eastern Maryland College , who delivered this message : Every deaf individual and every family having a deaf member deserves the right to communication …
5 They were friend , social worker and spiritual adviser to the deaf community and inevitably became champions of its causes , which explains how a deaf missioner became the founder of the BDDA and other missioners played leading parts in its history .
6 5.25(3) makes special provision for an application by a non-natural person to change the name of the employee named in the licence as responsible for the day-to-day running of the premises .
7 Once again the Democratic party may have thrown away a historic opportunity to retake the White House .
8 Walking : A pleasant way to explore the region is to improvise on the charming mini-network of mountain lifts .
9 At this point tedium vanishes , a pleasant path succeeds the walls and descends easily to the depression , the objective growing in stature with every step forward .
10 A pleasant restaurant overlooks the garden .
11 His choice had more than its share of steps and when he eventually arrived on a pleasant terrace overlooking the harbour , a pounding in his chest reminded him once more that he was middle-aged .
12 For many of those who do take the text seriously however , Christian teaching on the subject of wealth is summed up either by one of the easily remembered phrases from the Gospels such as ‘ Sell all that you have and distribute to the poor , and you will have treasure in heaven ’ ( Luke 18:22 ) or ‘ You can not serve God and Mammon ’ ( Luke 16:13 ) or that ‘ It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God ’ ( Luke 18:25 ) or by the way in which the members of the Jerusalem Church as recorded in Acts of the Apostles shared their wealth according to the principle ‘ From each according to his ability , to each according to his need ’ .
13 And he followed it up by that shrewd observation ‘ It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God ’ ( Mark 10:25 ) .
14 After breakfast we left the inn and got on the track , which , with care , need not be lost sight of in good weather , except in haze or severe rain , when there is danger at one or two places , where a ceaseless flow of moisture over a rich soil keeps the grass so green and the ground so soft , no path is traceable now and again .
15 That victory followed on from success in the Dewhurst International in March , where she came through from being a reserve qualifier to reach the semi-finals .
16 There must be asserted , in some form or other by the Government , a reserve power to give the necessary control and organising authority , and to make sure that everyone , of every rank and condition , men and women , shall do their fair share .
17 ALTHOUGH WE NEVER discover quite how a medium-sized magazine fulfils the duties of the male party on these pitiful outings ( ‘ Esquire Date : A Lonely Night with a Girl Called Stephanie ’ , June ) , it is satisfying to know that its/his oily , pin-headed attitude has resulted in ostracism by all but paid-for companions .
18 From a geological viewpoint using the terminology of plate tectonics , sites must be away from spreading centres , volcanic hotspots and subduction zones .
19 When they launched themselves into production in 1922 , Balcon and Saville with Woman to Woman , the story of a shell-shocked officer who comes out of amnesia to discover the truth about his sordid past , and Wilcox with two films of which the second , a florid melodrama called The Flames of Passion , was a hit , they used the same director , Graham Cutts , and judged it worthwhile incurring the expense of bringing over American stars , Betty Compson for Woman , Mae Marsh for Flames , in order to increase their films ' marquee value at home and abroad .
20 If you have a fish house which is space-heated it is a good idea to ask a friendly neighbour to check the heating every day to make sure it is working properly .
21 If you want to have a snapshot of yourself , see if you can find a friendly policeman to perform the task .
22 Again a friendly grin split the black face .
23 What Hornung had done was to take his brother-in-law 's famous detective , Sherlock Holmes , and put him on the wrong side of the law ; a friendly dedication acknowledged the debt .
24 A path-counting algorithm determined the number of words strings for each of the lattices .
25 England have recently won a second-rate success called the Grand Slam .
26 All employees or a representative sample answered the questionnaire .
27 Power was indeed divided , in such a way as to place restraints upon popularly elected assemblies ; and it was the view of Hamilton that a representative democracy avoided the dangers clearly inherent in " simple democracy " : When the deliberative or judicial powers are vested wholly or partly in the collective body of the people , you must expect error , confusion and instability .
28 We chose to express a similar region of 140k as a non-fusion polypeptide to eliminate the possible influence of a large stretch of non-homologous E.coli coding region on the properties of the fusion protein .
29 We spent three nights there , initially having a lazy day exploring the beaches , and the next day cycling up the coast fifteen kilometres to Pontevedra , another classic granite Galician town , before climbing up through cool forests to a TV masts on the 2,000-foot summit of the peninsula .
30 Unfortunately for the antediluvian bowl-heads , a right-thinking retailer phoned the RSPCA on the grounds that it was cruel to goldfish and so the whole idea had to be binned .
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