Example sentences of "a [noun sg] [vb -s] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Arguing a case involves the following four stages :
2 The use of such a level avoids the syntactic processor from making incorrect syntactic judgements when dealing with idioms and provides an additional recognition stage .
3 A case-study involves the in-depth study of a single example of whatever it is that the sociologist wishes to investigate .
4 According to Regulation 8(2) of these regulations a driver has the overall responsibility to proceed with due regard to the safety of other users of the road subject to the direction of any police constable etc .
5 When a beginner joins the competitive tournament circuit , he learns to forego many subtleties of the basic techniques in the interests of speed , strength being a less important quality in competitions .
6 A hoarding shields the still-ruined building where the bomb exploded .
7 A computer separates the different colours .
8 The surplus sector must acquire/purchase financial claims ( assets ) , and/or pay off outstanding debts , i.e. claims held against it ; obviously , a deficit necessitates the opposite course of action , the issue of financial claims ( debt ) or a run-down in financial assets held .
9 Such a technique ranks the above investments as in Table 4.4 .
10 Such a technique ranks the above investments as in Table 4.4 .
11 A clerk reads the short title of the Bill and the Minister names the second reading date .
12 Eminence as a criterion introduces the additional feature of relying on social judgement , perhaps diluting in various ways our evaluation of what constitutes ‘ true ’ creativity .
13 The distinction is important because breach of a condition gives the other party the right to repudiate the contract and claim damages .
14 This fact is recorded on a building in Eastgate where a plaque marks the exact point of the Greenwich Meridian .
15 A theologian , Eric Mascall , in his book Christian Theology and Natural Science , wrote about such problems that the point is that , although a physicist knows the objective world only through the mediation of sensation , the essential character of the objective world is not sensibility but intelligibility .
16 When one person has in their mind the whole range of the project from initial conception through data analysis and system design to sitting at the computer and typing the program lines into the computer , it 's not only more efficient : the person is creating in freedom like an artist and is involved in the act of creation at a deeper level and as a result enjoys the whole thing .
17 The female , beating her wings as fast as 500 times a second creates the high-pitched hum that is so unsettling as you lie in camp trying to go to sleep without a mosquito net .
18 Introduction of a bactericide alters the natural balance by killing off residents and transients indiscriminately and replaces natural defences with a chemical residual activity .
19 A transfer seems the only way out , but he says : ‘ I feel I still have so much to prove to Everton and myself .
20 Such a metaphor denies the dynamic character of performance which , for instance , can be changed by an audience 's response .
21 The cost to a superior involves the humbling experience of admitting limits , further undercutting the status differentials captured in organizational hierarchy and calling them further into question .
22 Whether a subscriber requires the simple verification of a customer 's registered name provided by our Corporate and Business Index or a detailed financial analysis of a company balance sheet , we can provide the appropriate level of detail ’ , stated Mr McKiernan .
23 Direct plumbing — all cold taps fed from rising main In this example , a cistern feeds the hot water cylinder
24 But Raskolnikov 's nightmare calls to mind one that did , namely The Possessed , while the specific link between ‘ as men possessed ’ ( besnovatimi ) and The Possessed ( Besi , literally The Devils ) is inescapably obvious — just as the word ‘ Socialism ’ which Dostoevsky has written against the beast in Revelation coming out of the earth with horns like a lamb and speech like a dragon shows the general way his thoughts are tending .
25 But if a judge errs the other way and fines a rapist a few hundred pounds , or puts on probation a bank robber with previous convictions who clearly ought to go directly to jail , nothing happens .
26 For such a limitation defeats the pre-emption thesis since it requires every person in every case to consider the merits of the case before he can decide to accept an authoritative instruction .
27 Gradually a group outlives the formal stage and begins to ‘ take liberties ’ with its own procedures without slipping back into chaos .
28 BILLED as a family show , Dragon : A Fairytale With Claws ( National Theatre , Olivier ) takes us to a far away land where a tyrant demands the annual sacrifice of a young village lass to satisfy his blood lust .
29 The incidence of a tax measures the final tax burden on different people once we have allowed for the indirect as well as the direct effects of the tax .
30 It is sometimes said that whoever keeps the minutes of a meeting holds the real power and in negotiating situations there is much truth in this .
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