Example sentences of "a [noun sg] [verb] [to-vb] at " in BNC.

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1 She shot him a look designed to kill at fifty feet , but he only raised one eyebrow in mute enquiry .
2 ‘ He is a world class player with all the attributes a striker needs to play at the top , ’ added Allison .
3 First , it is appropriate for those working with a child to try to communicate at the right level ; this means introducing language structures with which the child is already familiar and trying to ensure that the content of conversations is appropriate to the child 's ability to understand and to her interests .
4 It was about all a nome had to look at , most of the time .
5 A tiny weeny hint of a plan began to tinkle at the back of my brain like a triangle at the back of an orchestra .
6 In a recent incident a vehicle failed to stop at the junction and damaged Curwen House the building on Gubberford Lane almost opposite the end of Tithe Barn Lane .
7 A vehicle volunteering to stop at the zebra crossing can only stop one of the two lanes , with no control over the other .
8 The government still intends to introduce Islam 's sharia law , but only once the people have been ‘ educated ’ , a process expected to take at least three years .
9 Any time that a wing begins to drop at a stall it is the beginning of a possible spin , but the spin can only develop if the wing is kept stalled and the glider is allowed to continue to yaw .
10 He did not for a while want to look at his own face .
11 To his surprise a smile began to tug at her cheeks and when she finished the second reading she laughed aloud as though in relief .
12 At last a smile began to pull at the folds in Sir Charles 's face , as if his cheeks really were wallets and his smile was going through them , looking for cash , then the smile turned to laughter , it pushed between his teeth , it was dry and rhythmic , it sounded uncannily like someone counting a stack of dollar bills .
13 But , while inflation slowed from the summer of 1974 , prices as a whole continued to rise at an annual rate of 10 per cent during the depths of the slump .
14 Willy Russell 's story of a hair-dresser seeking to learn at any price via her reluctant and sozzled tutor continues to stand the test of time .
15 In many cases the actual amount of information given in the recalls was minimal , limited to whether a subject had to wait at the junction and whether there was other traffic around at the time .
16 In conventional language we talk of a pointer moving across a scale to come to rest at the mark saying " here " or at the mark saying " there " .
17 ( Abrams was a young , bright , sharp lawyer , always well-tailored , and with an air of fierce aceticism ; he will reappear often in this story as a man trying to keep at the edge of it , and usually succeeding .
18 Earlier Kevin McNamara , Labour 's shadow Northern Ireland Secretary , described his own meeting on Ulster policy as ‘ overshadowed by a man coming to gloat at the scene of one the gravest blows to democracy carried out in these islands : the bombing of the Conservative Party conference ’ .
19 When a don fails to return at the start of term , the shock at the discovery of his body in a Parisian church is well contained in the cloisters .
20 ( b ) not less than fourteen nor more than thirty-five clear days before the date appointed for the general meeting , notice executed by a member qualified to vote at the general meeting has been given to the Company of the intention to propose that person for appointment , together with notice executed by that person of his willingness to be appointed .
21 ( b ) not less than fourteen nor more than thirty-five clear days before the date appointed for the general meeting , notice executed by a member qualified to vote at the general meeting has been given to the Company of the intention to propose that person for appointment , together with notice executed by that person of his willingness to be appointed .
22 Once a huge golden eagle circled above a wreck and I intercepted a couple hiking to call at a Crofter 's cottage for assistance because I was loathe to leave the area to the eagle .
23 The suggested version has similarities to Postman 's Knock , too , with a couple having to spend at least one minute observing before they are allowed back into the room .
24 The most complete ( fig. 45 ) is a charming picture of a family going to sacrifice at an altar .
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