Example sentences of "a [noun] [adj] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It was just a bit sad the way it all ended . ’
2 It really is a bit odd the way those two bits of the wood do not connect .
3 a bit chilly the weather might
4 ‘ Not a command -just a plea , darling .
5 I have a strawberry wobbly every day
6 Is there a philosophy guiding the project ?
7 Indeed , they avoid the issue of accountability altogether , for to hold a group accountable the employment contract would have to be with the group , not with the individuals , and companies simply do not employ groups as such .
8 " Capital sum " for these purposes has the same meaning as in s677. ( b ) Associated payments In relation to any capital sum paid to the settlor by a body corporate the expression " associated payment " means : ( i ) any capital sum paid to that body by the trustees of the settlement ; and ( ii ) any other sum paid or asset transferred to that body by those trustees which is not paid or transferred for full consideration in money or money 's worth being a sum paid or asset transferred in the five years ending or beginning with the date on which the capital sum is paid to the settlor ( s678(3) ) .
9 If the magnetic field is moved with a velocity -v the force on the charges is the same as if the wire moved with a velocity v , and we have managed to prove all that from Maxwell 's equations .
10 It is difficult to believe that she was not embalmed and Elizabeth Southwell , a minor courtier , relates how Lord Cecil ordered it to be done and Clapham , in his Elizabeth of England , states that ‘ The Queen 's body was left in a manner alone a day or two after her death and meane persons [ embalmers ] had access to it . ’
11 After a voir dire the judge admitted the oral admissions but excluded the written confession , because ( a ) the breaches of C 11.5 and 11.6 were relatively trivial ; ( b ) it would have been impracticable to have a contemporaneous note of the conversation and there was therefore no breach of C 11.3(b) ( ii ) ; ( c ) Findlay was shown the notes as recorded in the custody record and there was no need to record the refusal in the pocket book as well ; ( d ) there was a serious breach of section 58 and Code C 6.3 in ordering Findlay to be kept incommunicado without sufficient reason and therefore although the interview leading to the written confession was itself fairly conducted the confession would be excluded .
12 That used to be with er a piece of net in and across the top used to have two piece of wire , one way , and two piece the other and you catch a crab open the crab open and they used to put the crab between there and the whelks used to feed on the crab and then when you pulled it out , they all went to the bottom of the net .
13 Er Madam Speaker , I 'm seriously concerned about a minister misleading the house and I seek your general guidance on a matter .
14 There 's one thing about it , only been a year old the heating is in good condition , you 're warm in there .
15 Brilliant budget ideas — do them in a weekend Incredible The steel halo that saved Lisa 's life
16 ‘ I wanted to express what a simple thing death and burial is , just as simple as the falling of a leaf -just a bit of earth dug up — a wooden cross … .
17 Sex blazed in the night like a beacon guiding a traveller to a city of delight .
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