Example sentences of "a [noun] [prep] which [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 For it was , in truth , as if his legs followed a route from which he could not turn them back — along the sales signs in Oxford Street occupied by a bedraggled army of Christmas bargain hunters , and off that up to the grandiose frontage of the hotel .
2 Insider dealing provides a route by which they may do so .
3 Others found their way into the western reaches of Argyll , also using shore caves as a base from which they went out seasonally fishing , hunting and gathering fruit , nuts and birds ' eggs .
4 So the choir has a base from which they can work and now the same hills which inspired Elgar are echoing to the sound of 28 powerful Ukranian voices .
5 This special report provides a base from which we can develop our health , safety and environmental service into the next century .
6 By introducing a programme for the training of drawing teachers in 1871 , the school opened up a vocation to women : a vocation through which they could attempt to have more secure incomes .
7 3.17 In Bayley v Bloomsbury Health Authority ( Kemp & Kemp , Vol 2 , para E3-012 , Henry J said , in making an award to a student nurse who had suffered a prolapsed lumbar disc at the age of 20 , that there was a world of difference between such an injury happening to a victim at that age as opposed to the age of 33 , the age of a plaintiff who had suffered a comparable injury in a case to which he had been referred .
8 As Ferrini laments , this is a case in which we must be content to practise the ars nesciendi .
9 This is a case in which we distinguish between a person 's body as it appears to that person , and as it appears to others .
10 It was difficult to know whether she had understood everything he had tried to explain to her about his being involved in a case in which she was the chief witness , about his career , and how he had a mother and sister to support .
11 In support of his argument , Mr. Coghlan relied on Cozens v. Brutus [ 1973 ] A.C. 854 , a case in which it was held in the House of Lords that the meaning of the word ‘ insulting ’ used in section 5 of the Public Order Act 1936 was not a matter of law but a matter of fact .
12 In his judgement , the Lord Chancellor said , ‘ I am seldom called upon to decide in a case in which I felt so strongly that on one side or the other there had been abominable wickedness . ’
13 Like a detective displaying the only clues in a case in which he has become personally involved , he holds out the croci with a shrug of quiet resolve .
14 Well if that were so my Lord then there would never be any any solicitor 's negligence claims , in which any expert was ever called to give evidence because it 's always going to be eventually a matter of law as to what the defendant 's duty is but what the er what the plaintiff had not said at any stage is that a matter of law is ever going to be admissible and in fact the is Justice our in the course of er er a case in which he , despite expressing reservations about the admissibility of the evidence , plainly admitted it because he was within the course of his judgement .
15 Leeds had given up by then but it is not hard to present a case from which they , rather than City , might have ended up celebrating .
16 ‘ How is Kathleen ? ’ she asked , to give herself some time and in an effort to restore the conversation to a level on which she could cope .
17 In the end there has to be a limit , there has to be a level beyond which you can not go without people cracking under the strain , without people saying I 'm now doing the job that was done by two people , two and half people a few years ago .
18 They may be dropping their oxygen carrying capacity of their blood to a level at which they pass out .
19 In general , from 1450 onwards , non-European Christians were taught theology to a level at which they might function as parish priests , but they were not admitted to the religious orders such as the Jesuits and the Dominicans .
20 ‘ We intend to continue to increase output and drive our unit costs down to a level at which they are competitive with other sources of electricity generations . ’
21 Wild animals are used for food but at a level at which they can still reproduce a similar surplus a year later .
22 The first-year course is designed to take students from scratch to a level at which they can cope with simple Sanskrit texts ( the two texts studied in the first year are the Pancatantra , an ancient collection of humorous fables , and the Bhagavad Gita , the most revered of Hindu religious texts ) .
23 Last year there were some , so the Liberal Democrats took the view that we could only properly set a budget at the capping level and that is a level at which we set our budget and it was a level at which we set our budget back in December and right through to this date .
24 Last year there were some , so the Liberal Democrats took the view that we could only properly set a budget at the capping level and that is a level at which we set our budget and it was a level at which we set our budget back in December and right through to this date .
25 Braintree says the southern link road was included in the package simply to push the overall cost up to a level at which it became eligible for government funding .
26 Braintree says the southern link road was included in the package simply to push the overall cost up to a level at which it became eligible for government funding .
27 While you must consistently keep your voice at a level at which it can be easily heard , you should try to put expression into it , avoiding a dull monotone .
28 It it 's , it 's er a , a level from which you y you er you progress and it 's the same with I S O Nine Thousand or five seven five O.
29 I mean there 's no doubt that in human terms that child needs that fifty pence more than you do , but we do n't because I mean there 's a level in which we ca n't because we have to somehow psychologically protect ourselves , and I believe we do do that by convincing ourselves that somehow people out there are not people in the same way that we are .
30 He said that in 1975 we had a referendum in which it was suggested that it was an economic and trade rather than a political matter .
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