Example sentences of "a [noun] [prep] this [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Competitions now seem derisory to me after the ascent of a route of this scale ’ .
2 Jibé is enthusiastic that a route of this length and level of difficulty will divert attention away from the fashion for ‘ microroute ’ 8c 's , like Ben Moon 's Maginot Line/le Plafond and Hubble .
3 A payment of this kind may be capital or income ( for tax purposes ) in the hands of the landlord , depending on the circumstances .
4 Three concrete blocks were cemented to the patio stones at the rear of the new pond as a base for this filter — it was important that these were all at the same level .
5 It will appeal to people who would like to live in a large country house but who ca n't at the moment , and also to foreign customers who do n't have a base in this country
6 This can often be harsh to an employee who may well have contributed fully to enhancing the value of the company and may wish to retain his shares ; sometimes exceptions to a provision of this kind can be specified .
7 Investors will usually agree to a provision of this kind , as most purchasers would in any event wish to purchase the entire company and not be left with minority shareholders .
8 If the management 's lawyers are not successful in removing a provision of this kind , then its effect can be mitigated by amendment so that it will apply only after an agreed period of time , for example five years , or with the consent of an agreed percentage of the members ; the latter may be appropriate where the investment has been syndicated .
9 There is , however , one way in which A's intentions can be given validity at least in part , and it was this route which was followed : the senate ruled that a provision of this sort could be interpreted as a trust on B to make over A 's estate to C. The wording A actually used would be along these lines : fidei tuae committo ut Titium heredem instituas .
10 A provision of this sort does not have to be included in every decision because it may be implied in the issue referred and the underlying contract under which the reference is made .
11 The Home Secretary had previously informed the Cabinet that he would have included a provision to this effect in the Bill if he had not thought it preferable to leave it to the Lords to take the initiative .
12 In most cases the same result would probably be reached even without a provision to this effect , given that in international commercial transactions the application of mandatory rules is likely to be limited , so that courts will usually respect the autonomy of the parties in choosing the law which is to govern their relationship .
13 A sister to this engine , the -3 , burnt highly-refined JP-6 fuel and offered a viable alternative .
14 For them a progress of this kind might be acceptable , at least to some extent , in the army .
15 Friction effects in an electro-mechanical system are generally undesirable , since they lead to wear in the moving parts , and are variable , because they are a function of this wear .
16 The Green Form scheme will provide two hours ' work by a solicitor on a case ( more with an extension ) , but the solicitor can not recover the cost of appearing before a tribunal to argue a case under this component of legal aid .
17 In order to make the best of a case at this stage most claimants will need advice and assistance because preparing a case for appeal involves three tasks : establishing the facts of the case , understanding the applicable legal rules and integrating facts and law in a well-constructed argument which includes meeting the reasons put forward by the adjudication officer for denying the claim .
18 It is well established that the court will only exercise its power to dismiss a case at this stage in exceptional circumstances .
19 Raymond Starr , Director of Child Care and Family Services , confirmed that his agency had been called in because Orkney Islands Council did not have the resources to deal with a case of this kind .
20 The Equal Opportunities Commission , which backed Mrs Weston 's 18-month battle , said : ‘ It is probably the most unreserved victory we have ever won in a case of this kind . ’
21 The Greek authorities made no effort , indeed it is not known whether they had the legal authority , to allow the post mortem examination to take place before the body was released , despite the scarcity of important evidence in a case of this kind .
22 Sir it is my wont to open er a case of this kind with a quotation .
23 If the question be ( as , in the actual state of the law , I think it is ) , whether consideration is , or is not , given in a case of this kind , by the debtor who pays down part of the debt presently due from him , for a promise by the creditor to relinquish , after certain further payments on account , the residue of the debt , I can not say that I think consideration is given , in the sense which I have always understood that word as used in our law .
24 No case of this kind has ever been considered by the courts before , and I do not think the dicta in the previous cases should be read as excluding a case of this kind where a landlord seeks , by a course of intimidation , to " annul his own deed " , to contradict his own demise , by ousting the tenant from possession which the landlord has conferred upon her .
25 ‘ … we are certain that the candour of Mr. Pearsey and the generosity of your Lordship would be equally distant from wishing to take any extreme advantage in a case of this nature when the interests of the town at large are so materially involved … ‘
26 Merrick was cited in twentieth-century medical textbooks as a supreme example of a case of this disease , one of the worst cases ever recorded .
27 But at the end of the day er my view is that on balance there is a case for this application to go forward .
28 We we should discuss a bit about this document and I too have had the er dubious honour of reading John Major 's speech and it 's nice to see that both Tory speakers have actually managed to take half of it each and paraphrase it .
29 ‘ Tell me a bit about this course of yours , love .
30 They had learnt a bit about this tigress by now and nobody was about to take any chances .
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