Example sentences of "a [noun] [prep] [num] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 At the Temple of the Seven-Handed Sek a hasty convocation of priests and ritual heart-transplant artisans agreed that the hundred-span high statue of Sek was altogether too holy to be made into a magic picture , but a payment of two rhinu left them astoundedly agreeing that perhaps He was n't as holy as all that .
2 Over three quarters ( 76.6% ) followed three and four year degree courses while the remaining students took a variety of two year diploma courses .
3 He came in with a teacup in one hand and a piece of bread-and-butter in the other hand .
4 In doing so he might find himself in the company of evolutionary epistemologists such as Riedl ( 1979 ) , whose over-arching theory of life as an ‘ erkenntnisgewinnender prozess ’ seems to require a unitary notion of knowledge or information , information that can be stored in a genome at one end of the evolutionary spectrum , as well as be expressed , at the other end , by scientific theories that make the world a less strange place to live in .
5 December 's page from the RAF Museum 's find 1992 calendar — a Hurricane of 615 Squadron keeping an eye on two Stirlings of 15 Squadron , from the canvas of John Young .
6 They contain some 6,000 troops organised into three infantry battalions , and backed up by a small Air Force with a squadron of A-37 attack planes and six Huey helicopters .
7 Canada announced on Sept. 16 that it was to send a squadron of CF-18 fighter aircraft and 450 troops .
8 In a case along one wall were stored the six hundred and seventy-seven volumes of the Eternal Galactic Encyclopaedia , each cube awaiting activation .
9 Whenever the Fedpol think they 've built up a case on one world or another , they find platoons of sharp lawyers appearing , kilocreds are spent , evidence vanishes , witnesses have strange accidents …
10 It is a case of one kind of information medium fixing attitudes towards the presentation of information for all others .
11 There was there was a case of one girl who back in nineteen sixty eight she killed two boys when she was eleven .
12 It 's usually a case of one shepherd and his meagre flock having to support a wife , God knows how many children , plus brothers and sisters and aged relatives .
13 I mean , we went through we went through nearly a case of one point fives at Mary 's party .
14 The following months were all too often a case of one step forward , two steps back .
15 He made a bit of eight inch wire , like er a U piece , and the bar at , bottom bar of the U held the tail so if the springs broke the tails did n't duck under and smash the cam .
16 Similarly with a tailwind , it 's not exactly behind you , but just a bit to one side .
17 ‘ The hem dips a bit on one side .
18 The survey also points to a considerable rise in research and development investment , largely tied to pharmaceuticals , and says that the proportion of environmentally-linked spending should be 24 p.c. of the total in 1994 , against a level of 10 p.c. in 1991 .
19 The bird ties it by holding a strip on to a branch with one foot and then , using its beak , passing the end round the branch , threading it through one of the turns and pulling it tight .
20 A branch of one tree hung out over a pond ending in a spray of twigs resting on the water .
21 An aspect of investment services , is , however , not clear : whether the home member state or the host member state should regulate the conduct of business of a branch in one member state which is established by a financial institution authorised in another member state .
22 ( In a referendum in 1982 Commonwealth status had been the most popular option ) .
23 In it I was crossing Old Carrots , coming towards the house , a stick in one hand , the other pushed into my hair .
24 But your conclusion can properly come to a decision on one side , and need not remain balanced ( so avoid : " both sides have their virtues and it is difficult to decide between them " ) .
25 Rob played very well , but nobody is going to make a decision on one game .
26 On Nov. 27 a meeting of Western donor countries held in Paris under World Bank auspices deferred for six months a decision on 1992 aid , stating that they expected Moi 's government to open up the political system and to end human rights abuses and high-level corruption .
27 Is it not astonishing that the Secretary of State , having made a decision on 15 Para , can not or will not answer the pertinent points put to him by my hon. Friend the Member for Glasgow , Hillhead ( Mr. Galloway ) and the hon. Member for Glasgow , Govan ( Mr. Sillars ) ?
28 The sister comes out of her office holding a small night case and a black garbage bag tied with string , bulging and misshapen like an over-stuffed cushion ; there is already a split down one side .
29 To display the jewelled egg , knot a thread at one end , run it through a pretty bead , up through the egg , through another bead or two and then make a loop with the top to hang the egg .
30 In the first stage of training the subjects had received instructions to emit a given response ( a key-press in one study , a word in another ) to one of the tones and to the light , but to emit a different response to the other tone .
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