Example sentences of "a [noun] [noun sg] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 After a long breakfast , we went into the Town to buy last minute chocolates for our families before visiting the Ferris wheel for a champagne meal overlooking the entire city .
2 A famous advertisement for cigars relied almost entirely on Bach 's Air on a G String to create an atmosphere of tranquillity and relaxation .
3 Incidentally , a 50m abseil reaches the ground from the belay at the top of the big corner of The Bat .
4 It is therefore possible for a defendant in a negligence action to raise a defence of volenti non fit injuria , but consent to the risk in question can not be inferred merely from the other party 's knowledge of the purported exclusion .
5 After the traversal program has determined the order in which links will be crossed , a printing program takes the semantic net and the paragraphs and produces a camera-ready document .
6 The Lombard , Illinois-based Dauphin Technology Inc company developing the DTR-1 ‘ world 's smallest 80486 computer ’ ( CI No 2,085 ) , has signed IBM Corp to a $150m contract to make the handheld device at its Austin Industrial Business Center in Austin , Texas .
7 The Court of Appeal on 9 August 1989 found that a trial judge has no power to empanel a multiracial jury , even if he believes to do so would be right in the particular circumstances of the case .
8 A trial scheme to test the viability of the proposal was called for at last weekend 's Bar conference .
9 A trial pack comprising the three primary colours plus black , white and a colourless bar are available in Slim and Original size .
10 What was never entirely clear was whether Hooliganism represented the end-point of the evolutionary deterioration of the ‘ Imperial Race ’ , or just the kind of rough boys needed as a warrior class to defend the Empire .
11 He and his wife Beryl discovered churchgoers had gathered to see the two plant a beech tree to celebrate the vicar 's anniversary which falls on Easter Sunday .
12 Due to the fact that the sub-contractor when paid on a piecework basis achieves a relatively high hourly rate , most sub-contractors either negotiate an equivalent daywork rate per hour or resist working on daywork and agree rates or lump sums for the particular work involved .
13 An even more marked hiatus in the occupation sequence was recorded in the limited excavations in Heave Acre , alongside the Dorchester road , where traces of Flavian activity were overlain by a silt accumulation spanning the second century at least .
14 During the First World War , Turkish bureaucracy and a locust plague produced a famine in Lebanon of such proportions that an American woman resident in Beirut was moved to describe for readers of The Times how she :
15 But you must wait for good weather to appreciate the mighty Picos de Europa range of mountains , just follow the river Deva through the dramatic La Hermida Defile ravine to the pretty Alpinesque town of Potes and on the Fuente Dé , where a cable car ascends the last 800 metres up to the sheer rock face .
16 This friendly Club Hotel is set at the edge of a lagoon at the centre of a resort complex offering a range of facilities .
17 The Boy Nigel is supervising , sitting on a kitchen chair clutching a blue Victorian ciderhouse mug , china , so as not to appall the customers with the sight of this and that lurking in the golden brew .
18 Maybe one day Miles 's head would flip open like a kitchen bin to reveal a tangle of wires and transistors .
19 The use of a function call to incorporate the code provides a neat way of incorporating the macro within the program and allows parameters to be passed to it .
20 Nor will those investors and depositors who in the mid-1970s found themselves caught in a hurricane sweeping throught the secondary banking system after the collapse of Gerald Caplan 's London and County Securities .
21 Where a rating authority had a statutory power , but no duty , to refund rates overpaid by mistake , the House of Lords granted judicial review and ordered repayment where the reasons given by the authority for its refusal to repay were held not to be valid .
22 McPherson rose brilliantly to a McLaren free-kick to head the ball beyond Martin .
23 Four excellent papers and a case study formed the core of the week 's work : ‘ Obligations to the Personal Customer ’ by Professor Robert Jack CBE , Chairman , Banking Services Law Review Committee ; ‘ Obligations to Small Businesses ’ by Stan Mendham , Chief Executive , Forum of Private Business ; ‘ Obligations to Society ’ by Jeremy Mitchell , Director , International Consumer Policy Bureau ; ‘ Obligations to Shareholders ’ by Brian Pearse FCIB , Group Chief Executive , Midland Group and ‘ Case Study : Corporate Social Responsibility ’ by Professor Kevan Scholes , Director , Sheffield Business School .
24 This is a " good " and the transaction is clearly subject to the Sale of Goods Act 1979 , section 2(1) of which states : … a contract of sale of goods is a contract by which the seller transfers or agrees to transfer the property in goods to the buyer for a money consideration called the price .
25 ( d ) Price The statutory definition of sale requires that the transfer of property be for " a money consideration called the price " .
26 Then a money crisis hit the BBC and A Private Life was one of the casualties .
27 On Dec. 1 a Vatican spokesman announced the resignation of the Secretary of State of the Roman Curia since 1979 , Cardinal Agostino Casaroli .
28 ( Tap a direction key to clear the highlight ) Proofread , correct , SAVE and log your work ( filename : YourInitials27 , see Task 4 ) .
29 The moves made by some LEAs to develop a curriculum framework followed the publication of Local Authority Arrangements for the School Curriculum ( DES/Welsh Office , 1979 ) .
30 A decision tree illustrates the actions to be taken at each decision point .
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