Example sentences of "a [noun] back to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Some bizarre quirk led Newman to take a route back to London past the bell tower where Sandy had died .
2 Resistance to the price rise resulted in a reduction back to 6d in 1933 !
3 Mann , though in possession of an official permit to hold meetings on trade unionism in Hamburg , was nevertheless put on a boat back to England ; on returning six weeks later , he was again expelled and various activists served short periods in prison .
4 This was followed by a lurch back to civility and a fast-knotted signature , hard to unravel .
5 She switches between spoken word , shouting through a megaphone with a sock in it and chirruping like a sweet but overexcitable nightingale , tracing a lineage back to Delta 5 , The Raincoats and The Slits ( marvellous days I can assure you ) .
6 Mike , 55 and a veteran reporter of Vietnam , the Falklands , the Gulf and many other bloody wars , was encouraged by orphanage officials to smuggle a child back to England — and there was no way he could resist Natasha 's pleading brown eyes .
7 Claire talks herself out and an hour later Keith gets a minicab back to Finsbury Park .
8 This was because it amounted to a transfer back to X of property in the car ( because Y 's cheque had not been met ) in return for X waiving any right to enforce payment from Y. At the time of the repossession , X was unaware of Y's sale to Z and thus by repossessing the car with Y 's acquiescence , X obtained ownership of it by virtue of section 25(1) of the 1893 Act ( i.e. section 24 of the Sale of Goods Act 1979 ) .
9 Sukemi applied for a transfer back to Java and was sent to Surabaya , a major port .
10 Ten stations receiving new boats in the past year had meant ten crews undergoing week-long familiarisation courses at Poole , followed by a passage back to station .
11 Though Kent has established a career path , it does not exclude a move back to service provision .
12 The Blues boss dismissed weekend speculation linking Mo Johnston with a move back to Scotland .
13 That meant a long walk and a hitch back to Capel Curig if there was any chance of making the pub before closing time .
14 There was a drift back to work .
15 We brought a smile back to Wearside . ’
16 Emily took a cab back to Mrs Simons 's house and went directly to her room .
17 He would then work until approximately 6.00 or 6.30 , and if there was no social or literary event he felt obliged to attend , would take a taxi back to Carlyle Mansions .
18 After a photographic session near the Palace Gates I was just about at the end of my tether and was thankful to catch a taxi back to Liverpool Street Station and home .
19 In the main square in Rashid we caught a taxi back to Alexandria .
20 I would have to take a taxi back to Sligo once I had seen the sights , for there was no return bus .
21 Got on one tube and that broke down from the end of she 's at Liverpool Street then she had to go different end to Oxford Street , but she ended up in Charing Cross then she got on another tube line at Charing Cross and then that broke down , so she said it took hours , then she gave a taxi , had to get a taxi back to Oxford Street and , and from Oxford Street back to Waterloo and it 's four pound and he gave her a change for a tenner instead , and she gave him a twenty pound note but , you know she 's absolutely haggard , so I said it 's just as well she can have a cup of tea before she goes , I just told her briefly about that so , erm , Carla 's a bit late ai n't she ?
22 There was another advantage late on a lunch-time in that there were always a few city slickers who had ventured north by north-west ( of the Barbican ) to try the Hoskin 's or the Holden 's bitter and found it had got the better of them , so needed a taxi back to civilization .
23 Let down , their elation leaking away , they had decided to give up , and taken a taxi back to Alice 's mother 's house , where Alice made them both coffee and scrambled eggs .
24 The vintage car of the title is driven by a married duo who bicker , moan and make love all the way to Brighton , then challenge a less permanent couple to a race back to London .
25 I knew it would be a race back to Stuart Street and I was pleased that it ended in an honourable draw .
26 ‘ In my room , I found new papers and a ticket back to Paris for the next day .
27 The next day he was released on police bail and given a ticket back to Glasgow .
28 As well as being profitable and actually paying a dividend back to Detroit for the first time in years , Vauxhall is an important part of the GM empire for political reasons .
29 I 'll offer them a pathway back to life .
30 But then avowed with a great deal of feeling , ‘ I sorely needed somebody 's help when , with daylight I returned to that hotel and discovered you 'd taken a train back to Mariánské Láznë ! ’
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