Example sentences of "a [noun] hold a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The Syrians had already broken through the rampart of sand but as we approached , a Palestinian holding a rifle walked up to our car .
2 I sight a punk holding a baby ,
3 The raft of policies that the Opposition are putting before the British people would be devastating to job prospects , and so ashamed are they of the consequences of their policies that four Labour members of the Select Committee on Employment last week voted down a proposal to hold an inquiry into the effects of national statutory minimum wage because they wanted to hide the truth about that policy from the British people .
4 A YOUNG mother last night relived the moment when a mugger held a 12-inch knife to her sleeping baby daughter 's face and threatened to kill her .
5 The applicant sought relief on the grounds that ( 1 ) at the time the coroner took his original decision there was considerable evidence before him that the death would not have occurred but for delays experienced by the deceased 's family in contacting the ambulance service and later delays by the ambulance service in responding to repeated calls by the police for an ambulance to come to take the deceased to hospital as a matter of urgency ; ( 2 ) in reaching the conclusion that an inquest was unnecessary the coroner had misdirected himself in law for the reasons , inter alia , that ( i ) section 8(1) ( a ) of the Coroners Act 1988 required a coroner to hold an inquest where there was ‘ reasonable cause to suspect ’ that the deceased had died a ‘ violent or unnatural death ; ’ ( ii ) there had been clear and uncontradicted evidence before the coroner that avoidable and culpable delays by the ambulance service might have been the reason why the deceased 's asthma attack , which could have been treated in hospital , proved fatal , giving rise to a ‘ reasonable cause to suspect ’ that the cause of the deceased 's death was ‘ unnatural ; ’ and ( iii ) against that background , the coroner had erred in law in treating the pathologist 's conclusion as conclusive and had either misdirected himself as to the meaning of ‘ unnatural death ’ in section 8 of the Coroners Act 1988 or failed to apply the law properly to the facts of the case .
6 Mr. Coghlan accepted that a verdict of death by natural causes aggravated by lack of care can be returned in accordance with Reg. v. Southwark Coroner , Ex parte Hicks [ 1987 ] 1 W.L.R. 1624 , but he submitted that section 19 of the Act of 1988 does not require a coroner to hold an inquest where he foresees that such a verdict is possible .
7 Members from both sections have expressed a desire to hold a disco in the Village Hall .
8 Members from both sections have expressed a desire to hold a disco in the Village Hall .
9 Sherds from the Nene Valley found at Bedford Purlieus , and published by the Rev. G. H. Hartshorne , include an animal with a snout , resembling a wolf , facing a venator holding a whip with his left arm in a sleeve buckler ( fig. 14.1 ) .
10 A request to hold a disco on Saturday , 26th June has been granted .
11 A request to hold a disco on Saturday , 26th June has been granted .
12 In essence the result of this change was to ensure that when a contractor made a payment to a sub-contractor holding a tax certificate issued by the Inland Revenue , the sub-contractor could be paid in full .
14 There is no requirement that a person holds a qualification from the Institute in order to be employed as a legal executive .
15 Ask a friend to hold a pencil about a metre in front of our face .
16 child , man or a woman holding a child
17 He presented the mayor of West Berlin with a statuette of a woman holding a dove of peace and then walked through Checkpoint Charlie .
18 If a woman holds a man 's hand as he lights her cigarette and strokes him behind the knees with her foot , is it a secret sign ?
19 It occurred to her that the way she was holding Peach was the way a woman holds a baby and she lowered him gently into her lap .
20 But she started again after a robber held a knife to her as she worked in a petrol station .
21 There is a venatio with dogs , a hare , a stag and what is probably a bear with a bestiarius holding a whip in his right hand while his left is covered with a sleeve-buckler .
22 A charter to hold a market and an annual fair was granted in 1348 , but it is not known when the use was discontinued .
23 So Honey 's owner decided to get a helper to hold a bucket of oats and alfalfa chaff for Honey to eat while she herself mounted her , and this was done in such a relaxed and calm fashion that Honey also remained calm and went on eating .
24 Fortunately , she was a greedy horse , so when a helper held a bucket of food under her nose for her to eat while she was being mounted , she was easily distracted .
25 After the hours spent in Luke 's disturbing company it came as a relief to hold a light , uncomplicated conversation with an ordinary guy .
26 They want anyone recognising the shirt — with The Dude written above a cartoon of a man holding a Union Jack surf board — to contact them .
27 She was reading aloud , a man holding a boom mike was registering her voice ; she was declaiming from Soul on Ice :
28 Sounds came from inside and from the darkness appeared a man holding a Kalashnikov rifle and wearing a Palestinian scarf .
29 The clerk was confronted by a man holding a handgun when she opened the branch of the Trustee Savings Bank in the Arndale Centre , Stretford , shortly before 9am .
30 ‘ What could be more manly than a man holding a woman in his arms ? ’
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