Example sentences of "and without [noun] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Comparison with and without adjustment for smoking gave similarly negative results .
2 Now you can see the way your savings grow , with and without adjustment for inflation .
3 His silly face , so meaningless and without awareness of danger , seemed translated into sense through his return to music , and his entire concentration on the rhythms of the jig — Nicandra felt exhausted and exasperated by the realization that it was not in her power to be either kind or cruel to Silly-Willie .
4 Accession to the Treaty of Rome was thus , in 1971 , effected by the conclusion by the government , in the exercise of prerogative powers and without reference to Parliament , of a Treaty of Accession to the Treaty of Rome followed later ( as was necessary in order to give this accession effect within the United Kingdom ) by the enactment by Parliament of the European Communities Act 1972 .
5 Not just because their popularity has grown naturally and without cartloads of bullshit , but because they 've wheedled their way out of Northern Ireland with a snarling guitar sound that benefits from an invigorating spread of influences — from techno to rap and ambient house to reggae .
6 Patients could be admitted for care and treatment without any formalities and without liability to detention .
7 However , the Family Allowances Act 1945 marked the first scheme of allowances to benefit all families with two or more children irrespective of the employment status of either mother or father and without proof of need or evidence of contributions .
8 In his first major memorandum to the committee ( the famous Basic Problems of Social Security with Heads of a Scheme ) , Beveridge argued that the crux of the problem was to raise pensions sufficiently to dispense with means-tested supplementation from the Assistance Board ( so that the insurance basis for the entire social security plan would not be eroded ) , and concluded that ‘ these pensions will be paid on proof of age , without means test and without proof of disability or retirement from work ’ .
9 It really is possible to get plenty of riding without your own horse and without pots of money — particularly if you ride well and build up a reputation as a reliable and competent person .
10 So , the answer is that the strongest motives restrain Governments from limiting the rate of growth of public expenditure to that rate which they could be sure of meeting within the growth of the national product and thus without any substantial increase in taxation but also without relying upon borrowing and without monetisation of debt .
11 The visible sufferings of the Croats before they had travelled five miles were terrible ; their invisible sufferings , with the prospect of the long march before them , many barefoot and without hope of food before they reached Maribor at the earliest , must have been indescribable . "
12 A liquid asset is one which can be transformed into cash quickly and without loss of value .
13 Space precludes a full account of the APT saga , but briefly stated the purpose of the tilting train is to run through speed-restricted curves in complete safety and without loss of passenger comfort at much higher speeds than can be achieved with conventional rolling stock , enabling journey times to be reduced without recourse to realigning and upgrading existing tracks at prohibitive cost .
14 Anyone considering the venue a rather incongruous one for startling political imagery and prototype ‘ vehicles ’ for those with and without power in society ( the police on one side , immigrants and the homeless on the other ) , has obviously not got the message the Fundació has aimed to get across since it opened exactly two years ago : that it is not just about Tàpies , but has a wider and more challenging agenda .
15 ‘ It shall be the duty of each person who has , to any extent , control of premises to which this Article applies or of the means of access thereto or egress therefrom or of any plant or substance in such premises to take such measures as it is reasonable for a person in his position to take to ensure , so far as is reasonably practicable , that the premises , all means of access thereto or egress therefrom available for use by persons using the premises , and any plant or substance in the premises or , as the case may be , provided for use there , is or are safe and without risks to health . ’
16 to ensure , so far as is reasonably practicable , that the article is so designed and constructed as to be safe and without risks to health when properly used ;
17 to take such steps as are necessary to secure that there will be available in connection with the use of the article at work adequate information about the use for which it is designed and has been tested , and about any conditions necessary to endure that , when put to that use , it will be safe and without risks to health . ’
18 to ensure , so far as is reasonably practicable , that the substance is safe and without risks to health when properly used ;
19 to take such steps as are necessary to secure that there will be available in connection with the use of the substance at work adequate information about the results of any relevant tests which have been carried out on or in connection with the substance and about any conditions necessary to ensure that it will be safe and without risks to health when properly used . ’
20 ‘ Where a person designs , manufactures , imports or supplies an article for or to another on the basis of a written undertaking by that other to take specified steps sufficient to ensure , so far as is reasonably practicable , that the article will be safe and without risks to health when properly used , the undertaking shall have the effect of relieving the first-mentioned person from the duty imposed by paragraph ( 1 ) ( a ) to such extent as is reasonable having regard to the terms of the undertaking . ’
21 ‘ the provision and maintenance of plant and systems of work that are , so far as is reasonably practicable , safe and without risks to health . ’
22 ‘ so far as is reasonably practicable as regards any place of work under the employer 's control , the maintenance of it in a condition that is safe and without risks to health and the provision and maintenance of means of access to and egress from it that are safe and without such risks . ’
23 He must also ensure that there is adequate information available about this and about any conditions necessary to ensure that it will be safe and without risks to health when properly used .
24 Section 6 of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 imposes liabilities on those who supply equipment for use at work to ensure that it is " so far as reasonably practicable … safe and without risks to health when properly used " .
25 Where the Buyer intends to use the goods at work , the Seller supplies the goods on the basis that the Buyer will ensure , so far as reasonably practicable , that the goods will be safe and without risks to health when properly used , and that prior to delivery the Buyer will sign and return the written undertaking attached hereto as Annex A obliging the Buyer to take the steps specified in that undertaking to ensure this .
26 Where the Buyer purchases the goods with the intention of selling them to a third party for the use by that third party of the goods at work , the Buyer undertakes to supply the goods to the third party on the basis that the third party will ensure , so far as reasonably practicable , that the goods will be safe and without risks to health when properly used , and the Buyer further undertakes to procure the signature by the third party ( prior to delivery of the goods to the third party ) of the written undertaking attached hereto as Annex A obliging the third party to take the steps specified in that undertaking to ensure this .
27 Act 1974 , I/we [ ] of [ ] having agreed to purchase [ ] ( " the Article " ) for use at work , hereby undertake in accordance with the above Section that I/we will implement the Specified Steps as set out below in order to ensure , so far as reasonably practicable , that the Article will be safe and without risks to health when properly so used .
28 USL says it is in contact with the University in an attempt to resolve their difficulties ‘ informally ’ and without recourse to litigation .
29 After long and careful preparation , he went on , his orchestra was able to play music with full knowledge and without fear of error .
30 We do , however , make frequent demands on the syntax and semantics of expressions representing booleans , the good behaviour of expressions under substitution for their variables , and the fact that all expressions in occam are evaluated without side-effects and without fear of non-termination ( even 27/0 ! ) .
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