Example sentences of "and away from the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Empirical investigation using UK Department of Industry 1 km square data overlaid on polygon boundaries of north-west England employment office areas revealed that only 60 per cent of the points in the industry database could be positively assigned to an employment office area by being within a polygon and away from the boundary by a distance greater than epsilon .
2 In general , the tax will shift the burden towards the south 's richer homes and away from the north , because the government intends to tailor its central grants to equalise , roughly , the tax on like houses under like-spending councils .
3 It was not until the end of the Victorian period , when electric trams provided cheap public transport , that new working class suburbs could be built out of town and away from the vicinity of the workplace .
4 They have little control over their body temperature , and away from the sun 's heat they become cool and lethargic .
5 EVO , partly in reaction to the Voice , partly the result of its staff 's predilections , had rapidly settled into the acid freak end of the underground , and away from the politicos of the American new left .
6 The transfer of power to the market and to the individual , and away from the state and the party , offers a billion people the best possible chance of better lives .
7 From here the path follows the river bank downstream and then heads back into the forest and away from the river before crossing a burn .
8 As she made her way across to the church steps she found herself suddenly in bright sunlight and away from the crowds .
9 Now the presidency and his executive branch became a political directorate , which increasingly aggregated political power within itself and away from the legislature .
10 On the one hand what the gay movement had done was to involve me in a very intense one-to-one relationship , a couple relationship , and at the same time the ideology that the movement was instilling in me was away from the idea of couple relationships and away from the idea that sex should be conventionally tied to relationships or a single relationship .
11 With a record like that , no wonder Ministers want to keep the spotlight on the tax and national insurance costs of our proposals and away from the half of the nation who will gain .
12 Although many firms do continue to diversify , there has been a growing mood against conglomerates and away from the notion that diversification was an automatic virtue and an inescapable trend , views which were accepted by most people in the 1960s and 1970s .
13 The leaves are turned , alternately , towards and away from the centre of the mosaic , as in the scrolls of mosaics B and C , North Hill .
14 Patrick and Jane had remained in the flat in Kelly Street since they had brought there two days ago , they had n't ventured outside the door and had remained quiet and away from the windows .
15 At the same time there is a conflict between wanting to be on the nest and away from the nest .
16 Would Sue ( she hardly knew her , after all , had only met her a few minutes ago ) really let her share the little bubble of love that sealed her and Pete up together and away from the rest of the world ?
17 Bellagio is all cobbled alleyways , stretching upwards and away from the lakeside .
18 Upstairs and away from the noise is probably the largest collection of scrimshaw to be found anywhere in the world .
19 He swam up and away from the tangle of lines and disappeared on the other side of the iceberg .
20 Do n't worry about some Strangelove of a character turning your innocent little toy into a satellite vaporiser , theory has it that military research is second rate because you can not do good research behind screens of secrecy and away from the cut and thrust of peer review .
21 The eye-witness accounts of what happened in those few minutes naturally vary in many details , but one of the most reliable descriptions of the actual eruption of the cloud was that of Monsieur Roger Arnoux , a member of the Astronomical Society of France , who was observing from a vantage point well above and away from the town .
22 ‘ People were trying to get out of carpark and away from the town and this man was still insisting he got his 20 pence from every driver . ’
23 With fewer defence contracts around , American aircraft manufacturers such as Rockwell and McDonnell Douglas have been pressing Boeing to redirect subcontracting work towards them and away from the Japanese .
24 In the past , Kingfisher has argued cogently that tipping the bargaining balance towards the electrical retailer and away from the manufacturers would benefit consumers .
25 He ended by building his dream house in the cosy lee of a gentle hill and away from the roar of the sea .
26 Stretching up to and away from the patio was a vast lawn , smothered with spring flowers — yellow daffodils and a parade of brilliant hyacinths .
27 When pressed by Jeremy Corbyn ( Labour ) about the department 's perceived shift towards means-testing and away from the universality he replied this was expected as the Labour party was also re-examining its commitment to universality — as John Smith has said ‘ nothing was ruled out and nothing was ruled in ’ .
28 She had to admit , however , that the main reason that she had phoned the Symses and answered their appeal so promptly was that it took her out of the house , and away from the strain of being with Mark in public while the incident of the night before still divided them .
29 And away from the fence .
30 The second precaution is to pull each of the bridle rings up and away from the sail before positioning the cross-spar first into the centre ferrule with the spar beneath all the bridle lines It is most important that the lines which we will call ‘ B ’ and ‘ C ’ as in the drawings , are free and not in any way tangled with either the leading , edge vinyl , spine fitting or the cross-spar Otherwise the bridle setting and consequent flight performance will be sadly deformed !
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