Example sentences of "and also the [noun] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In addition I understand you have received copies of the Scottish Office leaflets on Council Tax which have been prepared in conjunction with Local Government Officers and also the Council Tax Benefit leaflet produced by the Benefits Agency .
2 The radioallergosorbent test ( RAST ) was carried out to detect the circulating cow 's milk specific IgE antibodies , and also the serum total IgE values were measured before starting the challenge .
3 And also the works supervisor , they 've added nearly twenty eight thousand pounds to the organization .
4 and also the Home Guard or the army were in the house at the far side of the airport which was called Aldridge Lodge they were very much in there the erm
5 Granada T V studios in Manchester and also the Beatles centre in Liverpool .
6 Barratt soon made tubbing a semi-mechanical process though the dross still had to be scraped off at regular intervals ( perhaps for further jigging ) , and also the copper ore for further concentration .
7 Last year , Johnston bought the Sussex newspaper group , Sussex County Press , for £1.4 million , and also the Sussex publisher , TR Beckett , for £13 million .
8 On the way in which he has assessed n not the points scoring but the the assess er er assessed the various sectors although he has erm given a extra scoring to two sectors , the A sixty four south and also the Harrogate sector .
9 Your file accepts a date ( YY/MM/DD format ) , the angler 's name , the species caught and its length and weight , and also the lure type , size and colour .
10 All member states shall by 31 December 1992 ratify or accede to and comply with the Berne Convention ( Paris Revision ) and also the Rome Convention ( which relates to phonograms and broadcasts )
11 Board spokesman Ken Lawrence said : ‘ Allan Lamb was in breach of his contract with Northampton , and also the England agreement which forbids comments about international matches for a minimum of two years without permission . ’
12 York 's a historic city of some hundred and four thousand people , covering some two thousand nine hundred hectares , but that city itself is only part of the settlement that I think we would all regard as as York itself , that covers a larger population of some a hundred and thirty five thousand people , er contained er within the York outer ring road , and referenced to the the map submitted with my H One submission , and also the greenbelt plan which we 've we 've just put up on the board there , er will show you the the broader extent of the urban area .
13 The lips , chin and tail are primarily used in marking objects and the head patches and also the tail arc used in marking other cats .
14 The nature of the competitor and also the CRP concentration can affect the extent of cooperativity observed : phage M13 single-stranded DNA is a milder competitor than heparin ; it does not remove CRP from its binary complex .
15 When I deal with the cost of and care and also the cost nursing care for her future .
16 Examples are fewer , it seems , than for matrilines but include spider monkeys , the red colobus , chimpanzees , and also the hamadryas baboon when movements between clans rather than in and out of harems is considered .
17 She consistently won swimming cups and also the school dancing competition one year .
18 Some of the museums that I support directly — for example , the Victoria and Albert museum and the science museum , and also the Crafts Council — often lay on extremely good displays of contemporary or past design work .
19 But its disappearance will be of serious concern to the growing medium-sized business needing a serious injection of equity to continue to fulfil its potential and also the venture capitalist who may always have seen it as a desired exit route for an investment .
20 He was responsible for naming and defining the Silurian and Permian systems of rocks in the stratigraphical column and also the Devonian System in conjunction with Sedgwick .
21 So that 's where the money 's going , and we 're hoping that we make enough money in sponsorship so that the money we earn , people will know that it 's all going out to help the projects we want to , and it 's not being wasted on administration , especially after there 's been erm a bit of a debark over Sting 's money , where only 5% went to the Indians and also the Rainforest Foundation has since collapsed , so our head-office is going to be absolutely stringent about making sure that the money is spent where we 've asked it to be spent .
22 We 've been talking to Michael Medleycote from the British Tourist Authority , and one of the points I was making to him was with the recession and also the Gulf war people are very concerned , a ) there 's the cost of flying , but also they 're concerned of course about security .
23 There were other Allied aircraft like the US F-117 Stealth bomber and RAF Tornado , and also the Tomahawk Cruise missiles fired by US Navy craft like the battleship USS Missour .
24 I tried calorie counting and also the Cambridge Diet .
25 The intention is that the decisions that health authorities take about the placing of contracts should reflect the views of GPs and also the health authority 's assessment of the district 's local health priorities .
26 During your pregnancy you will get to know the doctors , midwives and also the health visitor .
27 Obviously you know , I 'd love to erm try and win that erm win that again erm and also the grass track racing which is extremely important to me , but erm being world speedway champion is erm for me the number one now you know , I 've really erm the long track scene virtually can look after itself without having to worry too much about the planning and everything .
28 Interestingly , L1 may share an immunoregulatory function with another eosinophil product , eosinophil cationic protein , which has been shown to inhibit the proliferation of human T and B cells and also the immunoglobulin production of plasma cell lines in vitro .
29 ‘ Well , I have three children of my own now and I thought it would be nice to surprise them with the sugar mice on the tree , and also the chocolate cat . ’
30 You 've raised two issues that I wanted to talk about , that 's the Mrs. Thatcher card and also the media manipulation .
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