Example sentences of "and did not [vb infin] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 On the whole , outpatient clinics catered for a less severely ill group of patients and did not reach people with severe mental disorder .
2 At the final curtain , Asshe took his daughter s hand and led her forward ; the hazel eyes were fixed on the gallery , and did not perceive Paul .
3 We found that all three glutathione S-transferases tested were present in colonic epithelium and this is consistent with the findings of Howie et al ; it contrasts , however , with the results of Hayes et al , who identified glutathione S-transferase π and µ and did not detect glutathione S-transferase α in normal colon using an immunoperoxidase staining procedure .
4 She took the cup of tea she was offered and did not stop Annabel spooning sugar into it .
5 Pound was in all seriousness embarked on an epic poem ( which he defined , following of all unlikely authorities Rudyard Kipling , as ‘ the tile of the tribe ’ ) ; he could not and did not expect understanding from readers who supposed that the epic poem had died in the seventeenth century if not before , whose expectations therefore were conditioned by their experience of the brief or else extended lyric .
6 If the string of letters were totally random and did not form words then the subjects could accurately report a maximum of three or four individual letters .
7 In Rustenburg-l , the porosity and permeability that was initially observed from wireline logs and cores , was very low and did not exceed 1% and 0.2 mD , respectively ( Fig. 28 ) .
8 ‘ Alice ’ was a jolly girl and did not give way to deep depression as another ‘ Army ’ mother had done on finding that baby would not be a Major as her father was .
9 L unsuccessfully submitted that there was no case to answer and did not give evidence .
10 Most of the expenditure was outside the dollar area , and did not give rise to immediate dollar payments .
11 Would we say that Uruguay was not neutral unless the help that it could have and did not give Ethiopia was equal to the help that it could have and did not give Somalia ?
12 Would we say that Uruguay was not neutral unless the help that it could have and did not give Ethiopia was equal to the help that it could have and did not give Somalia ?
13 These are calculated for our sample of 1608 men who were unemployed longer than 28 days and did not give retirement as their reason for their pre-cohort entry job .
14 If the syndicates running off their contracts were aware of the problems that were going to occur and did not inform Outhwaite , then they were not acting in utmost good faith .
15 In the event the reactions of Coalition Liberal ministers were so uniformly hostile that Lloyd George moved quickly into reverse ; when he met Coalition Liberal MPs , he merely suggested greater cooperation with Unionists and did not mention fusion as such .
16 The patient was a non-smoker and did not consume alcohol .
17 The Prime Minister told the Head of the Civil Service ( who was still nominally in charge of the Cabinet Office , too , to avoid a conflict of status between Brook and General Sir Hastings Ismay , who had been Military Secretary to the Cabinet throughout the war and did not leave Whitehall till 1947 ) what he wanted as the ingredients of reform :
18 Simon behaved in a rather superior way and did not offer Jesus the usual courtesies given to a guest .
19 And then they had a dumb waiter from er the main office to and and Robert 's office and and did not suffer fools gladly either .
20 The coeliac patients were originally diagnosed according to the procedure recommended by the European Society for Paediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition and had all been on a complete gluten free diet for at least five years and did not present symptoms indicative of active disease .
21 By contrast , the difference between those who did and did not watch BBC-TV widened : so the effect of television viewing rose from 12 per cent in the Pre-Campaign Wave to 20 per cent in the last fortnight of the campaign .
22 Conversely the difference between those who did and did not watch television widened .
23 Reality was quick and did not brook negotiation ; in ‘ that sad swamp on the Potomac ’ , as North later liked to call Washington , reality passed over like a flare of marsh gas , too swift for most of the inhabitants to catch .
24 Consequently he suffered at the polls in the Revolution elections of 1689 and did not enter Parliament until 1690 .
25 He then went into the Army and did not see Minton for some time .
26 He did not want any services and did not see counselling help as a service a social worker might offer , nor did he want to share any grieving for his wife .
27 But Mr Watson said that Mr Ross saw the briefcase from the corner of his eye and did not see Mr Garvey .
28 Maurin was absorbed in his client and did not see Rain enter .
29 It was held that when making a standard hire-purchase agreement , the hirer merely hired goods and did not obtain credit from the finance company .
30 Peden was not armed and did not take part in the band 's less reputable exploits .
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