Example sentences of "and when [pron] [vb past] the " in BNC.

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1 And when they brought the key , I knew exactly what it was — a left-luggage locker-key .
2 The child seemed so lost in thought she hardly looked where she was walking , and when they reached the gate of Matilda 's home , Miss Honey said , ‘ You had better forget everything I told you this afternoon . ’
3 A few people were already astir in the first village they passed through , and when they reached the piazza in Pontino higher up a huddled group stood within the light and warmth of the doorway of the Bar Italia waiting for the first bus down to Florence .
4 A sudden surge of compassion washed through him , and when they reached the governor 's palace Joseph rashly thrust two piasters into the coolie 's cupped hands , thanking him over and over again in French .
5 And when they reached the drawing-room , she said , ‘ Sit down there , lass , and calm yourself . ’
6 They walked back through the orchard in silence and when they reached the garden , Bunny turned off abruptly towards the stables .
7 Two men had gone to Anthony Bland 's home in Vine Street , Darlington , to execute a warrant for eviction and when they searched the house they discovered sub-machine guns , a pump action shotgun and pistols .
8 Oh yes , all down there that 's where they bombed when the war was on and when they killed the people in the town .
9 Got it back , there was erm a blanket in the boot and when they took the blanket out it was all ten thousand pounds worth of drugs and needles and everything in it , so the police have took it all back and they 've written it off , so they 've got a new Nissan , a Bluebird
10 And when they saw the star , they rejoiced with exceeding great joy .
11 And when they saw the rash then they were , but , but tt oh , I see , she says .
12 Geophysicists are perhaps not best known for their romantic souls , and when they invented the dire appellation subduction zone , they probably overlooked the fact that precisely because of all this subterranean frenzy , each one is an area of quite extraordinary beauty .
13 we had our red and white rosettes and when our , I was sitting watching the match and when they scored the goal my slippers went up in the air .
14 And when they complained the apartment , in the resort of Playa de las Americas , was full of cockroaches they were handed a can of insect spray .
15 And this man used to go up , do you know I 've heard my father say he 's come up three or four times a week and help him and when they slaughtered the things they used to have the slaughterhouse down the piste years ago , as I 'm talking about sixty , sixty , seventy years ago , sixty years ago , where they used to slaughter the stuff , you see , down the piste and this was the Christmas show this was , all these hindquarters of beef .
16 And er then they started blacklegs and when they started the rest of the firms all came as well then and I remember er going down on the picket lines and er they 'd be all the members there .
17 Carl from upstairs got arrested too , and he said that Ibrahim was screaming all night in the room next to him in the prison , and when they opened the door in the morning , he 'd scratched all the skin off of his face .
18 Steve Harper , haulage contractor , stood outside alone for a grateful crisp smokeless moment of silence , and when they opened the door to him a strange shadow of the night sidled in with him from prehistory .
19 And when they opened the Ark they should have discovered Moses in it but they did n't because it was and there we are .
20 And when they stopped the film , and everybody made such a row they had to start it again . ’
21 This was interesting ; some tritium was occurring naturally in the heavy water and when they measured the tritium levels after the experiment had been running for some hours they found that the tritium level had dropped .
22 They made their way back , not to the abbey but the castle , Corbett sending ahead one of his escort to ask Wishart for an audience and when they arrived the old , foxy-faced Bishop was waiting for them in his now sweltering chambers , though still swathed in fur-trimmed robes .
23 Helen had gone earlier , and when they arrived the number of cars already there made it quite a problem to find a parking space .
24 ‘ There is enormous support for the scheme in the town and when they considered the first application , the only resident input came from a small group of people who opposed it , ’ he said .
25 Peach pine , and when we took the porch down which had been up nearly a hundred years
26 Harry Marguess says : ‘ Our own sale was being held at Automart and when we heard the ‘ Farm for Africa ’ event was the following day we decided to donate a heifer to this very worthy cause . ’
27 Only , as Lewis tells us in Surprised by Joy , ‘ when we set out I did not believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God , and when we reached the zoo I did . ’
28 Fuel was difficult to come by after we left the forest , and when we reached the plains that stretched to the Webi Shebeli we had to make do with dry cattle dung .
29 We were seeing a steady growth in fee income of around 15% in the Newport office , and when we made the decision to move , there was n't a single indicator that we might see a downturn .
30 Mrs Marston actually came to the town on the Bishop 's Castle Railway with her parents when she was a young girl , and when we formed the BCRS she told us that it is difficult to see how they could have made the move , complete with furniture , in any other way in those days .
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