Example sentences of "and up into the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Then the pantry — the old still-room — and up into the yard , with its pigsties , stables , cart sheds , barn , bakehouse , and wash-house , soon to be bulldozed …
2 They took him outside and up into the mountains .
3 They are tunnelling down into the sewers and up into the cavity walls and suspended ceilings .
4 off and up into the air with mighty shudders and wobbles .
5 We managed to flee across the river and up into the hills .
6 All over the south and south-west of England and up into the midlands and the borders of Wales we may encounter ancient hill forts on hill tops or upper slopes , still marked by the visible line of prehistoric ditches .
7 ‘ The mechanism must be in this bed post , with a spring that runs here under the boarding and up into the other . ’
8 At length , the larger of the two came out , slipped along the bank under cover of the brambles and so down into the ditch and up into the field .
9 The hands Maria had raised to Luke 's shoulders strayed eagerly to the back of his neck and up into the thickness of his dark hair , her fingers pressing themselves to the perfect shaping of his skull as she sought and claimed a deeper kiss , drawing him far into the warm moist depths of her mouth .
10 With a shudder , she tightened her arms around the wide strength of his shoulders as he trailed small , teasing kisses from her lips , along her jawline , and up into the spread curtain of her hair .
11 I scrambled noisily and gracelessly out and up into the sunlight .
12 Each bump is as little as six angstroms or , six 10-billionths of a metre from its neighbour and was snapped by passing an electric current through the silicon , across a vacuum and up into the tip of an electrode moving across the surface .
13 Again it runs from North Africa through Spain and up into the Alps .
14 We dragged ourselves up the wide , eroded mess of a path that leads to Ben Lawers and up into the storm .
15 Back and forth goes my hand , over the softness of my son 's forehead and up into the softness of his hair .
16 Having been frustrated in her 1988 cruise to Scandinavia , Islander headed north-east once more last summer and this time succeeded in passing through the Limfjord , sailing down the Kattegat and up into the Baltic as far as Stockholm before retracing her steps to visit Copenhagen for the second time on this voyage .
17 Ranulf was ordered to saddle the horses and Corbett led his little party from the abbey and up into the town .
18 First , fill in the skeleton shape : using a fine brush , draw a V- shape of charcoal eyeshadow from the centre of the eye out to the corner and up into the socket line .
19 From Lago Agrio a gravel road leads through the jungle and up into the Andes , reaching Quito , the capital of Ecuador , over a 4000 m pass .
20 Moreover , recent work has shown that much of the heat energy in the seas of the North Atlantic ( every square kilometre of which gives off as much energy as a nuclear power station and hence influences our weather ) is absorbed from sunlight in the tropical Pacific and is carried by ocean currents through the Drake Passage and up into the Atlantic .
21 The taxi took him through the city and up into the countryside beyond the lake , where the Amner clinic commanded its famous views .
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