Example sentences of "and who [vb base] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 That is an appalling situation , but it is made more appalling because it mainly affects students from the poorest backgrounds , those whose parents are on low incomes and who get no financial help from their parents because they can not afford to give it .
2 Such a council would benefit social work like nothing else : it is important that the public ( and the press ) knows there is regulatory control over a group of people who ( quite rightly ) hold substantial powers over some groups and who have a great influence over others .
3 We have problems with the Liberal Democrats , who change their mind every five minutes and who have a different policy for every constituency .
4 It was decided to build a separate memorial to the airmen who were lost in WWII during operations from bases in the UK and North West Europe , and who have no known grave .
5 It was this aspect which engaged the attention of Michels ( 1911 ) , in his study of socialist parties ( and especially the German Social Democratic Party ) , in which he argued that the party becomes personified in the full-time paid officials — the bureaucracy and parliamentary leaders — whose interests may diverge from those of the mass membership and still more from the wider group which the party claims to represent , and who have an overwhelming influence upon party policy .
6 The second is the lack of personnel who are trained in geography ( so as to understand the problems of spatial analysis ) and who have the necessary skills to understand and appreciate the uses of computers in solving those problems .
7 Such a policy of extensification would avoid food mountains and ensure that our land was properly looked after by farmers who want to work and who expect a reasonable return for their efforts .
8 These would undoubtedly deter smaller corporations and bring down the incidence of corporate crime , particularly amongst the relatively smaller national-bound corporations , and even those larger corporations whose capital equipment is relatively fixed and who need the local more specialized work force .
9 Clearly the range of the Act is very limited , applying only to lucid adult patients connected or about to be connected to a ventilator who are suffering from a terminal condition ( as defined ) and who execute the appropriate directive.33 A first step , however , has been taken in clarifying the law .
10 In a sense , it is not required by a Government who preach the market model and who see no long-term future for the service .
11 There are also many Christians , especially in Latin America , and associated with international bodies such as the World Council of Churches , who are actively involved in dialogue with Marxists and who see no fundamental conflict between Christianity and Marxism .
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