Example sentences of "and were [adj] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 Others were not so favoured , and were obliged to meet the costs of the knighting ceremony and the provision of horses and equipment themselves .
2 This was the first time a company had been invited to give a product demonstration at the centre and were keen to present the merits of their product .
3 Thus the trust 's assets were part of the deceased settlor 's estate and were available to satisfy the claims of his heirs .
4 In Aikin v Macdonald ( 1894 ) 3 TC 306 , the trustees received £100 and were liable to pay the basic rate of tax .
5 Despite their support for the ECSC , the member states seemed wary about losing sovereignty and their own political control over an important industrial sector , and were loath to allow the High Authority to exercise its full constitutional competence .
6 And , and were prepared to do the work so long as they could get the say so from erm the Highways Authority .
7 This terminological ambiguity symbolizes a basic contradiction embodied in the whole process of change which followed 1868 , a running tension between those who looked back and sought to revive what they saw as the best in Japanese tradition in the face of a Western onslaught , and those who looked to the future and were prepared to accommodate the values and techniques of their competitors , if only to compete effectively with them .
8 We , as a society , could learn from that , and , if we regarded the birth of every disabled child as a precious gift and were prepared to provide the necessary resources to the children and their parents to allow these gifts to develop , then perhaps we would be spared the distressing sight of individual and groups of parents pursuing the latest fashionable cure for their child 's blindness , deafness or other disability at whatever cost to themselves , their families and friends .
9 But he claimed they were well aware they were breaking the law and were prepared to face the consequences .
10 The Purnells and their supporters owned land on the proposed route of the canal and were able to delay the construction , as well as ultimately extract the highest price paid for any of the land between the Severn and Stroud .
11 Doe 's forces put up stiffer resistance to the rebel groupings than was expected , and were able to hold the area of Monrovia around the heavily fortified executive mansion .
12 The friends also took out a half-page advertisement in the programme to wish Andy good luck and were able to pick the man of the match .
13 A dedicated group of local people determined to reconstruct the garden and were able to acquire the whole property when the bus station moved .
14 Suddenly , just as we rounded the bend and were able to glimpse the gables and turrets of Templecombe above the trees , one of the soldiers came riding back so fast his horse , slithering and clattering on the path , almost crashed into Mandeville 's mount .
15 Eastbourne lifeboat had just been recovered after an exercise when the crew heard the ship 's initial Mayday on their radio and were able to identify the vessel by radar and pass on her position to Dover Coastguard .
16 The crucial question now was the extent to which the pupils had understood the content , assimilated the main themes and were able to place the various memories , anecdotes and factual information in a relevant context .
17 They had time for their economic activities and were free to choose the form of payment for their other work .
18 They scarcely noticed the occasional ravine and were careful to avoid the mires and blanket bogs laid down by Nature to trap the unwary .
19 They were infected by the ideas of the Enlightenment and were ready to welcome the Napoleonic soldiers and administrators who incorporated the Slovene lands into the Illyrian Provinces in 1809 for a brief , but fateful sojourn of four years .
20 West Germany , Benelux and Denmark saw relatively little or no benefit to their own agriculture industry and were concerned to restrict the cost of the Directive .
21 They over-estimated their representativeness , and were wrong to blame the electoral code for their low poll . "
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