Example sentences of "and we [am/are] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 An IBM Italia spokesman in Milan said , ‘ Database Informatica needs additional capital and we are discussing with the other shareholders whether to do it , who will do it , and when .
2 Mr MacGregor said the Cabinet had agreed a clear spending totals in the summer ‘ and we are sticking to those . ’
3 Mr MacGregor said the Cabinet had agreed a clear spending totals in the summer ‘ and we are sticking to those . ’
4 I announced last week assistance to Russia in the safe reduction of its surplus nuclear warheads , and we are considering with other interested countries how best to help Russia use the skills of its scientists for peaceful purposes .
5 And we are calling for change .
6 Far better that we should part now , before all the arrangements go too far , and we are bound by them , and not by our desires . ’
7 ‘ Northern Ireland and all of Ireland and its people are close to my heart , and we are bleeding to death , ’ he told senators .
8 ‘ Northern Ireland and all of Ireland and its people are close to my heart , and we are bleeding to death , ’ he told senators .
9 Erm but the pre-enquiry meeting is taking place tomorrow and we are represented at that meeting John is going along .
10 But the opium-taking habit led de Quincey on to far less pleasant and exhilarating experiences , and we are justified in assuming that the Minoans too suffered the adverse effects of opium .
11 As a result , our eyesight is so well developed that few animals possess comparable vision , and we are justified in considering it our supersense .
12 And we are called upon , as Astrid says , to sort of , you know ‘ this is n't working , can you fix it , because you know how it works ’ , and that 's fair enough , but I 'm not called on by somebody in the press to fix a typewriter .
13 ‘ It has committed itself to this new dental hospital and we are looking to it to deliver . ’
14 We 're particularly proud of him in South Cambridgeshire , as we 're also proud that so many of our environmental health officers like Alan Hobson do sterling work for us , and we are looking to them in the in the future with this semi-autonomy that they 've been given to really take on board the opportunities which have been given to them under the 1990 Act to really go to town on environmental health .
15 Mary Anne who has been managing this side of things for us is leaving Birmingham and we are looking for a new manager ( see job description on page 6 ) .
16 ‘ Daz will become a high-profile player , and we are looking for others .
17 ‘ I would like Gary to have another fight this year ( there is a Wembley date available ) and we are looking at people in a similar class to Biggs , ’ Terry Lawless said .
18 They have been spending a lot of money on training , but what they 're doing now is localizing it , so training for Oxfordshire , which is different from training for somewhere like Liverpool , it 's got a lot more unemployed , it 's now not in the hands of the old training agency or manpower service commission , and we are looking at it completely afresh .
19 Obviously she is very upset being left alone in a strange country and we are looking after her at the police station .
20 Mr Kerfoot said : ‘ The Channel Tunnel will open soon and we are de-investing in our railways , not re-in-vesting .
21 Work on the launch and the focus of the appeal is close to completion and we are benefitting from the good offices of our advertising industry contacts .
22 ‘ The Governments should simply say ‘ the talks bus is starting and we are taking on board everyone who wants to be involved , if you want to be left behind you do so at your peril ’ .
23 ‘ We regret to have to inform you that a further breach has now come to our attention and we are instructed by our clients to write to you about it .
24 Er , today and every day , almost , a question of the police , at the moment , there is this business going on , er , in in London , at Stoke Newington , over the fact that , the charges against the police for corruption , being involved with all sorts of things that they should n't , er , and we are living through a time , where the police is having to fight a battle for it 's own respect .
25 Despite the tougher trading conditions I am pleased to report that Healthcare has yet again had a profitable year , and we are poised for further expansion of our business in the coming year .
26 That we are courteous , efficient , and we are seen to be a caring organisation .
27 ‘ The players need to feel confident and secure in their positions and we are counting on those players who did not come up to expectation against Scotland , to make up for it against Ireland . ’
28 And we are seeing in eighteen thirty a significant gap between on the one hand erm the western powers and on the other hand the east european or the central and eastern european powers .
29 If , however , the group to be studied is larger , then a wider range of methods will be necessary , and we are dealing with a ‘ community study ’ .
30 This academic year the number of students per firm has increased to eight and we are collaborating with the department of oncology at the Whittington Hospital , which undertakes a fifth of the teaching .
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