Example sentences of "and which [vb base] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The career of a full-time vegetarian forager , always on the move in search of food , can not include patterns of child-care which make such demands on the mother and which put the neonate in such a dependent state .
2 For example , they must be helped to recognise that , in a society which is hostile and oppressively racist to black people , the black family has to develop coping mechanisms which allow the group to maintain dignity and self-respect and which help the family to survive in a psychologically healthy way .
3 There are a number of typical cracking patterns with various causes which develop in walls and which help the diagnosis of foundation failure , and these are shown in the accompanying illustrations .
4 Moreover , research in this context has demonstrated the existence of misleading stereotypes of the abilities of black workers , with images that are often contradictory as between employers , and which reflect a willingness to generalize about ethnic characteristic on the basis of very limited experience ( Lee and Wrench , 1983 ; Jenkins , 1986 ) .
5 These were both embassies with a large symbolic and ceremonial element : envoys of this kind were often given presents whose significance was also purely symbolic and which bore no relationship to the length of their stay or to the importance of the issues with which they were concerned .
6 It is differences of this order that separate " Creole " from " English " and which complicate an analysis of Caribbean speakers ' linguistic behaviour in terms of code-switching .
7 In the case of independent schools which for the most part are not run as independent profit making institutions and which set the fees to raise enough money to cover the cost of running the school , the test is virtually indistinguishable from a market value test .
8 It might be objected that even though some criminal laws are in the interests of the dominant class and that others which are obviously not in these interests are ineffectively enforced , thus making them dead-letter laws , it still remains true that laws proscribing those types of victimizing behaviours of which we are all too aware and which set the nerve-ends of neo-classical/conservative criminologists , such as Wilson ( 1975 ) and Morgan ( 1978 ) tingling with fear and loathing , are in all our interests .
9 With the authority and control characteristic of the highly acclaimed Headway course , Headway Advanced sets out to clarify and resolve those areas of language which remain problematic for advanced students , and which present a barrier to the fluency and accuracy they seek .
10 So , if modern orthodox astronomy seems esoteric and omniscient , let's erect alternative theories of astronomy that are no less esoteric , and which challenge the claim to omniscience .
11 It is thus to be welcomed that a number of studies have appeared which examine the nature of the early twentieth century Conservative party and which stress the importance of Conservative ideas in understanding the Party 's development during its period of crisis .
12 Only those theories that are such that they can be clearly assessed in terms of the universal criterion and which survive the test are scientific .
13 As in the degenerate Ferrari-Ibañez solution , the singularity structure is thus complicated by the fact that the solution contains impulsive waves on the wave fronts and which form the boundaries of the interaction region .
14 Its corollary , whereby praxis becomes determining history , he called the ‘ practico-inert ’ , by which he meant the material circumstances that have themselves been created by previous praxes and which form the conditions for new praxis .
15 These are the experiences which , in a fundamental sense , ace the most potent programme of education for marriage and family life and which form the blueprints for the next generation .
16 The satisfied reader , rejoicing in Marryat 's broad humour , his acceptance of and delight in the vagaries of mankind , his shrewdness and his talent for controlling the varied pace of his stories , may well decide that his greatest virtue could be the sheer confidence of the man , his assurance that the hierarchies and authority in which he has been trained and which form the basis of his novels are essential to the well-being of his country and its navy .
17 We may conclude , however , with a list of points which have been made in this chapter , and which form the basis of the use of the term " style " in this book .
18 It is rather like a BANSHEE , with wails like those of a woman and which pierce the countryside for miles around .
19 For example , if a package contains a particular module , regardless of version , then its manager is informed of all SPRs and SSRs which are submitted and which reference the module .
20 These are goods which last for a long time and which yield the household utility-creating services both in the current period and in future periods .
21 This type of evaluation can be contrasted with empirical evaluations , which most of the later chapters of this book consider , and which require a consideration of the curriculum as experienced by the pupils .
22 ALTHOUGH relationships with parents determine in large measure our longer-term preferences , attitudes and values , during adolescence it is often relationships with friends that cause most concern and which pre-occupy the thoughts of young people as they grow up .
23 For one distinguished American musicologist , the decision of some English scholars and musicians to draw the secular polyphony of Machaut and Dufay into the English a cappella tradition constitutes an ‘ English a cappella heresy ’ , but that phrase may sound rather strangely in a British ear ; it appears to imply that songs by Machaut and Dufay , for example , are best performed within the tradition of the ‘ early-music group , employing instruments reconstructed on the basis of meagre evidence while using musical techniques which draw upon no established tradition of pedagogy and which retain a tinge of 19605 experimentalism and superficial multiculturalism .
24 With each of the sets of criteria will come guidelines which amplify the criteria and which indicate the evidence which Quality Auditors will need to see .
25 There appears to be no standard creation myth but a number of versions within which details may vary and which connect the creation with different gods .
26 His interests lie , not with these general features of the communicative event , but with those particular co-ordinates which constitute ‘ a package of relevant factors , an index ’ ( 1972 : 173 ) and which characterise the context against which the truth of a sentence is to be judged .
27 A small proportion involves those who are engaged indirectly , their services being obtained from other organisations which are responsible for their remuneration and which charge the client organisation a fee .
28 Put in another way , force is underpinned by dominant values extensively shared by the population and which support the operation of the state .
29 In the next chapter we consider events which are unexpected and which shock the couple into making a response ; for example , the discovery of an affair can destabilize a relationship to the point of breakdown , although more frequently it triggers a re-evaluation of the partnership and some heart-searching as to why it was necessary to draw attention to problems in the marriage in this way .
30 At the same time , however , there have been developments which appear to run in the opposite direction and which reinforce the appearance of employee status .
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