Example sentences of "and that [adv] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 If I may my Lord there is an issue that was raised in my learned friends reply er which er was a new point er and where I do take issue with him and this concerns the issue of the relevance of the directive here the , the issue relating to er whether or not the er Lloyd 's Act and the society have got any relevance in respect of the directive , his submission as I understood it , was that under article one , eight , nine the directive only addressed itself to states , to the British Government and that therefore the reliance on the directive by the society and in relation to the Lloyds Act was er a misconceived er reliance .
2 Yet essentially Whigs agreed that the hereditary succession had been broken by the Glorious Revolution and that henceforth the monarch had a Parliamentary title to the throne .
3 It was the second Unionist lever against Home Rule that helped to involve the King , for it assumed that Home Rule would become law , would be repudiated in Ulster , and that then the army would refuse to enforce it .
4 Erm , when we look at the environmental strategy , I always think that environmental strategies are common sense to people , and that sometimes the involvement of large organizations is sometimes counter-productive .
5 And they 're low to the ground , so the ground effect and that so the air can go over there , breaks up here and gets thrown off erm it 's just the air .
6 But officials say this was unconnected and that now the situation is calm .
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