Example sentences of "and as [pers pn] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 She was wearing a large muff and as they left the train Minton remarked , ‘ I thought you were going to smuggle me through the barrier in that . ’
2 He 's thoughtful for Matt , she realised while hastening to keep up with his long strides , and as they left the shadow of the bush she said , ‘ I feel as if I 'm stepping out of one world and into another . ’
3 But what happens in these clouds is that certain parts of them , certain areas of the cloud start to collapse , and as they collapse the temperature rises and the collapse increases , and as the temperature rises through a thousand to a million degrees we find that these are the regions where stars form , and it is really the major discovery , as far as astronomy is concerned , of the radio research that we now know a lot more about the early stages of star formation .
4 Barrows were piled high with fruit and vegetables , and as they passed the fish stall they saw the fishmonger gutting an eel .
5 And as they passed the rows upon rows of back yards , the grey washing on curious pulleys , the backs of hardboard dressing tables , the dust-bins and the coal sheds , it occurred to her to wonder why she should so suddenly feel herself to be peculiarly blessed , and a dreadful grief for all those without blessings took hold of her , and a terror at the singular nature of her escape .
6 He seemed edgy and ill at ease and as they took the lift up to the fourth floor and stepped out into the corridor his eyes darted from side to side as if he was terrified at what he might be about to see .
7 Church bells sounded across the city and as they crossed the road they could see two brightly painted barges chugging away up the canal beneath the overhanging willows .
8 It was a bright autumn day in 1938 and as they rounded the bend and came in sight of the river , Philip took her hand and said , ‘ Look , darling , is n't that wonderful ?
9 As the prophetic people flocked around Jesus , and as they saw the transformation in the lives of his disciples and heard the words of life and hope , they longed for a rebellion against the Roman occupation of Judea or a reformation of the Pharisaical law .
10 He falls in a heap , and as they pass every dog on the right of the line raises a leg and pees on him .
11 The booth they sat in was quite private and as they finished the meal Schellenberg said , ‘ Do you really think it is possible , this thing ? ’
12 These have a rapid turnover , and as they die the bacteria responsible for their decay use up all the oxygen in the pond , thus destroying all animal life .
13 And as they met a passion exploded between them ; a hunger that terrified Folly with its intensity .
14 They stopped to listen and as they did the knocking stopped .
15 The information flew over the Normandy beaches and as they approached the town of Caen , a wing ahead of them ran into heavy flak .
16 The little group set off with Alf and Jimmy pushing wheelchairs and as they approached the funfair Rachel threw Sybil a curious glance .
17 Silas parked the minibus near a gap where a path led into the gloom , and as they trod the leaf-mould their steps made no sound .
18 One example of this is on page 156 when Scout and Jem have discovered that Atticus is sitting outside the county Jail on one of his office chairs and as they cross the square to get nearer to him , four dusty cars come in from the Meridian highway , moving slowly in a line eventually stopping outside the Jail .
19 There was no answering shout , and as they entered the kitchen , Mary O'Dell said : ‘ He 's out in the backyard with that friend of his — the Welsh fellow . ’
20 When they reached the edge of the bush he switched on a torch , and as they entered the opening in the trees they left the canopy of twinkling stars for the canopy of overhead branches .
21 And as they talked the image of the man became clearer and clearer , until Henry wanted to say to Donald , ‘ No .
22 The air was amazingly clear , as it often is after a wet day , and as they climbed the hill which would take them back to Pinehurst they could see , far ahead , the lights of several villages and one big town .
23 Rev Stanley Boreman conducted the simple Congregational marriage ceremony , and as we left the church the sun shone quite perfectly for the rather amateur cameras who had survived the bombing the record that happy event .
24 I nearly always won , as I remember ; and as we left the club or the hall I would make quite a show of hailing a taxi , offering to drop Julian off at the nearest tube .
25 well the reason that we 've changed the name on those two stores is that any experiments we want to conduct have got to be conducted outside the normal M F I promotional platform and as we use the national press extensively the only way to do that is to change the name .
26 and as we take the vote on Mr 's er resolution .
27 There was no cinema , no dance-hall , not even a café , and as we had no centre in which to foregather ( save The Galleon ) , and were all working on different shifts , it was impossible to take any initiative in organising group entertainment .
28 We headed up the Ring Road towards Old Delhi , and as we drove the avenues began to fill with bicycle rickshaws , all heading in the same direction .
29 However , most of us are afraid , or merely ashamed of our Shadow side — so it remains in the dark , and as we shine the light more brightly on our conscious self , the shadows deepen .
30 By the week 's end the proctologist was saying that it had been the best goddamned vacation he had ever taken , and as we passed the bunkering moorings near McIllvanney 's yard I saw him take Ellen aside and I guessed he was offering her a job .
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