Example sentences of "and had [vb pp] them [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The decision arose from a claim lodged with the ECJ by a group of mainly Spanish-owned fishing companies , employing vessels registered as British , that amendments to the UK 1988 Merchant Shipping Act which excluded 95 of their vessels from British waters were illegal under EC law and had exposed them to financial ruin .
2 Chatichai , who had previously removed three parties from his ruling coalition and had replaced them with two new members , had been under pressure for some time from the military and the media to carry out an extensive reshuffle in order to cleanse his government of allegedly corrupt elements .
3 Roger Gernet , hereditary warden of the royal forests of Lancaster , had seized this opportunity to exact from them an ox for winter pasture and a cow for summer pasture , and had prevented them from taking housebote and firebote in the forest .
4 The wedding , planned for November … ’ ) she had learned that she was the goddaughter of Lady Bartlett ( that mother of sons … ) and had joined them at the end of July .
5 She regarded the Tollemarche ladies as being outside the pale , and had treated them with such blatant condescension that they had quailed , and had sought her goodwill by voting her hastily into offices in those organizations in which she had deigned to take an interest .
6 At the November hearing , the taxpayer said he had written to the building society in May and August and had telephoned them in September but still did not have the required details .
7 Earlier , Chamorro had resisted pressure to dismiss Ortega after the army admitted on Jan. 2 that four of its officers had stolen 28 Soviet-made anti-aircraft missiles from army stockpiles in October and had shipped them to guerrillas in El Salvador .
8 In response , Robert Gelbard , who ended his three-year term as US ambassador on July 5 , stated that Alcoreza was corrupt and that the whole naval contingent in Santa Ana was protecting the drug traffickers and had informed them of the raid .
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