Example sentences of "and from [adv] [pron] [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 Figure 8 shows the Utilities Screen and from here you can choose and run a variety of the helpful programs available in DOS5 .
2 Erm what will happen is that we will er hopefully at this meeting er set a budgetary , budgetary position within the guidelines required by the policy committee and then that will go forward together with all the other service committees to the policy committee on the twenty seventh of January and from then we will go on to the County Council on the fifteenth of February .
3 That 's the sort of the general trend erm and from there we can go on to other things .
4 The bell tower is the highest building in the city , and from there you 'll see a carpet of red-roofed houses rolled out below you .
5 We 'll start down at the far end of what we call the lured mark and from there you 'll have to tack all the way up to this closest one , the windward mark .
6 These , like the basic set , begin with instructions for all these lovely patterns in the basic state and from there you can run through a gamut of colour alteration , tension experiments and striped treatments .
7 And from there he would rattle back to Wimbledon and his wife of twenty years .
8 ‘ I used to go and play basketball at this gymnasium , ’ recalls Randy , as though it were only yesterday , ‘ and from there I 'd go over to this drummer 's house and we 'd jam . ’
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