Example sentences of "and from [pron] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Lily , my mother , was not allowed to receive this additional education and from her early teens had to work as a very junior housemaid , at the beck and call of older staff .
2 She closed the front door , and from her rocking walk Jess realized that one of her legs must be a good deal shorter than the other .
3 I have a student daughter myself , and I know from her accounts — and from her constant recourse to the parental purse — that life is indeed very difficult for students .
4 The use of barely disguised episodes from the lives of children that she knew , and from her own childhood , was to characterize her books .
5 In the branch of the Banco dell'Annunziazione a girl , whose face was a mask of disappointment nobly borne and from whose carmined lips dangled a cigarette miraculously balancing a tube of ash , clattered calculations as she stood before an upright typewriter and , in less time than she had expected , Molly was in possession of a mound of hundred thousand lire notes .
6 But his was one of the many families in the streets that ran off the main road at the bottom of the hill and from whom this shop and the tobacconist 's derived most of their regular custom .
7 In Scotland , concern has been expressed over the implications of studio closures and job losses , but it has met with soothing words from the BBC 's executives and from its political masters in government .
8 The tocsin bell was balanced on an iron ring and from its great brass tongue hung a long piece of cord .
9 This fearful hole , scene of a number of fatalities , is 175 feet deep , and from its murky depths , into which a stream cascades , underground passages radiate to form part of the ramifications of the Ease Gill Caverns .
10 Llyn y Fan fawr may be easily reached and from its southern end a very clear path , known as the Staircase , climbs to reach the Bwlch y Giedd pass — the ridge is now all yours .
11 TNT , which operates twice nightly British Aerospace 146-QT jet freighter flights — and some times a third aircraft — to and from its European air hub at Cologne , Germany , in fact currently claims to be experiencing a ‘ substantial increase ’ in traffic at Liverpool .
12 In the Sejm elections contests for 65 per cent of the seats were restricted to candidates from the then ruling Polish United Workers ' Party ( PUWP ) , and from its traditional coalition partners the United Peasants ' Party ( ZSL ) and the Democratic Party ( SD ) or from three lay Roman Catholic organizations ; the remaining 35 per cent were contested by candidates from opposition or independent groups , and were all won by the Solidarity Citizens ' Committee ( the electoral platform of the recently relegalized Solidarity trade union ) .
13 It stands in its own grounds of approximately one and a half acres and from its elevated position has spectacular views .
14 However , if such probes were programmed so that , each time they encountered a planetary system , they located a suitable asteroid and from its raw materials built several replicas of themselves , which were then despatched to further stars , the chances of success would be staggeringly increased .
15 It was a dark , tearing scar across his constellation of meanings , and from its charred edges bled horror and self-disgust .
16 Trade union education in the 1970s developed in a world of its own , cut off from many of the new developments in community-based adult education and from its own origins in the committed and politically alert work of the WEA and Labour College movement .
17 and from its topmost balcony a woman
18 The ploy worked and from its modest slot around 4.30 on Sunday afternoons Pathfinders in Space attracted the first real family audience for a science fiction serial .
19 ‘ In the main , the church and its leaders drew their importance from the support they gave to the existing powers and from their multiple involvements in education , social welfare and administration . ’
20 Instead it qualifies the property inherent in the noun used ( see Chapter 1 ) , thereby producing a complex property which is different both from the simplex properties and from their simple sum or union ; and it is this property-complex which is relevant to the relation of identification .
21 A demand thus based could further expand both from the increasing prosperity of the middle-income groups and from their increasing numbers , absolutely and proportionately , in the population .
22 Forthright debate flourished and the 85 seminar members were treated to a variety of views from the speakers and from their fellow members .
23 The Greeks had perfected the lintel method of spanning an opening ; the Romans adapted the arch from Etruscan designs and from their own development and thus led the way to later variations on this theme .
24 Their resources were considerable ; not only did they have vast incomes from taxation and from their own estates , but also they could expect considerable quantities of tribute from the subject peoples east of the Rhine and elsewhere .
25 The next national news is the Nine O'clock News but from Anna Ford and from me good evening .
26 And from which deep ocean have we risen ? ’
27 It provided a full and comprehensive check against dishonesty and speculation as , for example , with the existence of a single Exchequer account into which all receipts were paid and from which all payments were drawn .
28 The mouth is omitted and the head is surrounded by a number of peculiar , concentric bands , through which and from which many lines radiate , giving the structure the effect of a halo . ’
29 Some concessions seem harmless enough , those which nobody minds and from which many people gain enjoyment ; for example , reduced entrance fees for National Trust properties or Heritage sites .
30 Above all , though , are the speed reductions which characterise all of the German schemes ( and from which most benefits stem ) yet which are scarcely mentioned in the British project .
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