Example sentences of "and so [vb -s] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The presiding officer must decide , when a person tries to vote , if he is suffering from mental illness , is subnormal , intoxicated and so lacks the capacity to understand what he is doing .
2 This is a result of the rule which forbids marriage within the gens and so forces the creation of marriage ties between gens .
3 I can therefore understand why at that awful moment he should seek to summon up a talisman of words , a secret defence against abomination , or perhaps even an excuse in the form of some kind of precedent that a word expresses and so takes the edge of uniqueness off the contemplated evil .
4 The Green Book claims universality , and so names no names ; but it is also a book written in the first instance for Libyans , to encourage them to create popular democracy .
5 It can be used to date finds from anywhere in the world and so offers a means of comparing dated finds from different regions .
6 Water reed is also much harder wearing , being woody in character , and so requires no clipping .
7 In the United States work is being done on a vaccine which consists only of the outer covering of the virus particle and so avoids the dangers of using the virus 's nucleic acid core .
8 On a busy road , though , an extra car adds to congestion and so reduces the benefits other motorists are enjoying .
9 Keep a little box of french chalk or talc handy to keep your hands ‘ lubricated ’ so that the skin slides as easily as possible over the handles , and so reduces the likelihood of friction .
10 The field behaves as if it had been presented simultaneously with the target display , and so reduces the contrast between target contours and their background ( that is , the target contours will look grey rather than black ) .
11 This gives the little nest additional stability and so reduces the risk of it being overturned by a gust of wind .
12 Recombinant schistosome glutathione-S-transferase , which confers only a partial resistance to infection , induces a potent anti-fecundity immune response that dramatically reduces the number and viability of eggs produced by female parasites , and so reduces the risk of transmission and the pathology associated with infection ( A. Capron , Pasteur-Lille ) .
13 Wordsworth 's unity of purpose contributes to the directness of his poetry and so strengthens the appearance of sincerity that some critics have stated that Wordsworth , like the young George Washington , ‘ always tells the truth ’ .
14 What it most certainly is not , is ownership by national or local public authority : and because it does not look to the Government as its banker and so imposes no liability on the public sector borrowing requirement , it provides no levers for a hypothetical State economic planning agency to handle .
15 If this enhancement is then linked with a resource which acts as a facilitator and so allows the child to record his or her thoughts in a form which reflects the hard work , the child 's self-image , self-esteem and self-confidence can be further enhanced .
16 When a fish sucks in the bait it lifts the bottom shot off the bottom and so allows the buoyancy of the float to take over , resulting in the antenna rising out of the water like the sword Excalibur .
17 This is most easily done after the third cleavage which is at right angles to the first two , and so divides the embryo into four animal and four vegetal cells .
18 This process maximizes the number of home records in the file , and so maximizes the number of records that can be retrieved without further searching .
19 And so does a man , or at least he does when he first falls in love , when he 's too caught up to pay any attention to what other fellows think .
20 The Methodists preach religion and so does the Church of England . ’
21 The mother also supports that order and so does the guardian ad litem .
22 Just making the point that in the early years , your income will be less , then there 's a crossover point , because the value of the asset grows , and so does the yield on the fund .
23 He knows and so does the claimant .
24 And so does the level of service we now offer .
25 Naturally , we get lost — and so does the golf swing .
26 Thus , the extent of habituation increases with the number of exposures to the stimulus and so does the magnitude of latent inhibition ( e.g. Lubow 1965 ; Lubow , Markman , and Allen 1968 ; Lantz 1973 ) .
27 Every consultant has his or her own number and so does the assignment
28 Any businessman knows that a company 's management team changes fairly continuously and so does the audit team .
29 Erm and they sponsor that , sponsor the marquis and so does the N F U. Erm now within the marquis there are lots of exhibits that are of educational value .
30 The destruction of goods amounts to conversion and so does the alteration of their nature .
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