Example sentences of "and are [verb] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Usually these are children from one-parent families , children in local-authority care , or youngsters who need a respite from the household chores they assume as surrogate adults because their parents are ill , and even , in some cases , children with a parent in prison , and are selected for inclusion in the scheme not by the police but by schools and other caring agencies .
2 It is much too easy to take for granted that both sides in an argument have the same over-all objective and are engaged in argument as to how that objective can be reached .
3 Even with this infuriating advantage , more and more men are realising the importance of a good skin care routine and are insisting on quality skin care products .
4 We retire to the hotel bar early in the morning and are met on arrival by Big Al Jourgensen wearing a George Bush mask and clutching a can of hi-fi contact clear .
5 They are offered smaller discounts than the purchasing moguls of companies , and are viewed with distaste in garages because of their tendency to quibble over bills or wonder whether they really need new tyres .
6 These ‘ drift ’ deposits , which blanket much of Scotland and are composed of clay , sand and gravel , were laid down in relatively recent times during and after the melting of the Ice Age glaciers .
7 When these anxieties are ministered to by the products of the instant government under which we now with remarkable acquiescence subsist and are abetted by draftsmanship of the esoteric kind sometimes adopted by our professional brothers south of the border , we may expect to be confronted by problems of dimensions quite disparate to the simple issues which are essentially involved .
8 These skeletons are dressed in decayed finery — lace and silks — and are covered in dust and cobwebs , but attack as normal Skeletons .
9 The vast majority of schools are ‘ government-aided ’ and are run by district councils or missions .
10 The FMLN has established hospitals with small professional medical teams , The smaller clinics are under the control of the Popular Power Councils and are run by health promoters who place particular importance on basic health education and preventive medicine .
11 The Prime Minister and Cabinet are responsible to the Assembly and are appointed to office by the Governor General upon its recommendation .
12 The Prime Minister and Cabinet are responsible to Parliament and are appointed to office by the Governor-General acting upon its advice .
13 The Prime Minister ( currently John Compton ) and Cabinet are responsible to Parliament and are appointed to office by the Governor General acting upon its advice .
14 The Prime Minister ( currently James F. Mitchell ) and Cabinet are responsible to the Assembly and are appointed to office by the Governor General acting upon its advice .
15 Executive power is exercised by a Prime Minister ( currently Rabbie Namaliu ) and a National Executive Council ( Cabinet ) who are responsible to Parliament and are appointed to office by the Governor General acting upon its advice .
16 The Prime Minister and Cabinet are responsible to Parliament and are appointed to office by the Governor-General acting upon its advice .
17 The Prime Minister and Cabinet are responsible to the Assembly and are appointed to office by the Governor-General acting upon its advice .
18 The wire ends , suitably cleaned of enamel , then go through the board along with the pins and are soldered into place where indicated .
19 But when you have young children and are tied by school holidays , needs must .
20 Moreover , these major faults tend to be discontinuous and curved in plan and it seems that main boundary listric faults alternate along rift valleys and are separated by transfer faults ( Fig. 4.10 ) .
21 The table below gives an indication of possible early encashment values per £1,000 of single premium invested and are calculated in accordance with the rules prescribed by the Securities and Investments Board ( SIB ) .
22 Herpes simplex infection and shingles can be severe and are treated with acyclovir .
23 Those who subscribe to them and are honoured by reference to them may be thought of with contempt by those for whom the underlife is the serious basis of social living .
24 The groundwaters associated with the retrograde alteration are highly mineralised and are buffered by portlandite solubility to pH 12.5 , making them the most alkaline natural waters recorded .
25 We may argue about the timescale of change or its effects on our lives , but what is beyond doubt is that change , massive and fundamental , is taking place in the way we acquire , use and are influenced by information .
26 Clearly , the apc 's are all greater than the mpc and are diminishing as income rises .
27 They come from India and Bangladesh and are inspired by art from all over the world , though we particularly liked the Ocean Creatures wrapping paper eight sheets for £2 featuring whales , seals and turtles .
28 They were accompanied on their tour by Hanley Salvation Army Captain Ian Payne and are pictured with ornamenter Paul Harper as they signed a Jasper sweet dish to commemorate their visit .
29 The first research and development projects under the agreement have already begun and are operating on target and on time , the partners say — as reported at the time , in April , Bull announced its DPX/20 series of scalable Unix workstations and servers using the IBM RISC , and products are being shipped .
30 Lethal mutations at the chromosome-7 pink-eyed dilution ( p ) locus were recovered opposite the original p mutation , and are maintained by outcross to +/+ mice , with progeny testing for p .
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