Example sentences of "and at the [noun sg] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 There is some fibrin formed at the edges of the wound and at the plug periphery but no fibrin is seen within the plug for about 15–30 minutes .
2 From Tripoli the advance into Tunisia involved him in some of the bitterest fighting of the war : in the Matmata Hills on the outflanking of the Mareth Line ; at Wadi Akarit , where he had a narrow escape when he received ( as he modestly put it , doubtless so as not to worry me unduly ) ‘ a wallop from a piece of spent shell ’ , but was not badly injured ; and at the drive north to Enfidaville .
3 Expectations are always exceedingly high and at the minute club football in Cavan is poor . ’
4 And at the pit camp the loss is hardly being faced at all .
5 And at the deposit stage , erm Mr , Skelton Village Trust made objection to site D thirty nine ?
6 At the same time the oil business is very demanding of cash , and at the development stage enormously greedy for investment capital .
7 Part of the graveyard was reserved for deceased gipsies , and at the church gate stood the village stocks until about 1880 .
8 The use of strategies varied according to the occupational category : at the professional and managerial level , 82 per cent of employers used strategy 2 , and at the technician level it was used by 74 per cent .
9 The G M B's European officer has contributed a lot here and at the cutting edge in Brussels .
10 And at the sewage treatment works And this again is on the syllabus folks , so you need to bear it in mind , The sewage works , they make use of both sorts of bacteria .
11 The day was proclaimed a National Day of Struggle against World Arrogance , and at the Jamaran mosque , Tehran , theology students from Baneh " together with various strata of the people " were addressed by Ahmad Khomeini ( son of the late Ayatollah Khomeini ) .
12 There is plenty of individual instruction available at both the Palmer school ( 25 pros ) and at the Hopman tennis academy ( 30 pros ) .
13 But to attend at the Home Office itself , and at the breakfast hour , was unusual , and the Foreign Office message had lacked explanation .
14 This occurs at the transition between sectors , at the barriers put up by subject boundaries in secondary schools , and at the ability barriers erected by streaming and banding .
15 Outbound timing is initiated over the fix and at the abeam position — if the abeam position can not be determined — timing from abeam must be taken to be when the outbound turn is completed .
16 Traditional crafts are still practised in the Jewellery Quarter , and at the Discovery Centre you can still see these skills in action and learn about the history of the area .
17 I had on the programme Brahms 's Fourth Symphony and at the rehearsal Lamond said to me , ‘ You know , I knew Brahms ; I heard him conduct this piece . ’
18 Working with scientists at Cornell University and at the State University of New York in Buffalo , Dr Ziolo and his team grow their nanocrystals by adding iron salts to a polystyrene ion-exchange resin — the sort used in household water-softeners .
19 Strangely , another sample of water divided in two and analysed both independently at the Glasgow Institute of Biochemistry and at the Water Board 's Dumfries laboratory showed two very different results .
20 Down the far side the two cleared the first three fences with speed and accuracy , and at the water jump Mill House , swinging along just like the ‘ Big Horse ’ of old , regained the lead .
21 Engraved in the wall near the entrance is America 's ‘ Declaration of Independence ’ and at the opening events the United States Army band kept striking up ‘ God Bless America ’ .
22 The warden or his deputy presided at Forest inquests into venison trespasses , and at the attachment courts .
23 In Montparnasse artists and art students met each other in the cafés and at the life class and in the little restaurants .
24 ‘ Throughout the year and at the year end , ’ the report says , ‘ individual assessments are made of each loan in respect of which the underlying property is in the possession of the Society to ascertain whether a loss is likely and to estimate any such losses with reasonable accuracy , taking into account the likely selling prices of the properties .
25 ‘ Whilst tragic in any circumstances , property repossessions were at a very low level , representing only 0.25 per cent of mortgages outstanding , and at the year end not one mortgage was 12 months or more in arrear .
26 There are new route books in the Marisco Tavern , Lundy ; in the Count House , Bosigran ; at Compass West , Sennen ; The Wild Blue Yonder , Plymouth and at the Moorland Rambler in Exeter .
27 Our detailed knowledge of the site 's later history is largely dependent upon the excavations across the defences and at the west gate .
28 On the site of a Celtic ring fort and at the crossing point of several ley lines , Turrell is building seven skyspaces which will be completed in 1995 , well ahead of the Roden Crater , which competes for his energy and financial resources .
29 Angry at his ineffectiveness and at the way Rohmer had made him a bystander in this nightmare , Cardiff followed them back through the savage whirlwinds towards the office block .
30 Communication in science can take place at different levels of complexity or integration of informational elements ; data transfer is the most basic level , comprising the exchange of information on fundamental parameters , such as numerical or analytical data ; the descriptive level involves the transfer of data in a descriptive context ; and at the idea transfer level , deductions , interpretations and predictions are made from data and descriptions earlier acquired , and from background knowledge and experience .
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