Example sentences of "and he have be [prep] " in BNC.

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1 She was his only daughter and the youngest of seven , and he had been at pains to give her a good education .
2 Mr Ashton provoked laughter when he said he had watched the programme because it was set in his constituency , and he had been to school with the father of Sean Bean , one of the stars .
3 She had not slept with Ivan , nor ever would , but was deriving a secret satisfaction from the knowledge that present at her party that night would be all the men with whom she had ever slept : or all save one , and he had been from another country , and she had not known his name .
4 Dominic was dead , and he had been in my bedroom barely half an hour before he was killed .
5 Others would emerge from the ruin of the body itself , and he had been in constant contact with Ian Macdonald , who was still at work in Oxford .
6 He was the man in charge of H3 , and he spoke with his émigré parents ' guttural Central European accent although he had been born in Ipswich , and he had been in H area for 26 years .
7 His name was Roberto Coloni and he had been in hospital following a bad fall in which he had broken his shoulder blade , forearm and two ribs , as well as suffering bad concussion , which had affected his hearing .
8 To begin with , only the coincidence of the deaths of father and son within four days of each other ; beyond that his notion of a connection had been no more than a hunch , and he had been in the business too long to back his hunches far ahead of evidence .
9 He was beginning to get a bit homesick since they 'd stopped travelling and he 'd been on his own .
10 And he 'd been on our committee for I think it was about about three years was that right ?
11 The notion of such international co-operation would have been unthinkable even at senior investigator level ; but here the arrangements had been made and he 'd been on a plane within a matter of hours .
12 One of the managers that come in and he 'd been on holiday for two weeks , but he knew !
13 And this man he was a regular dustbin , dustbin man and he 'd been at it all his life and he used to play cards with us and his family , his sons , and , and as many else as got any money to play pontoon or brag .
14 Leek out , had this heart trouble , and he 'd been in the Signals about oh ten year , he , he was on for twelve engagement and he nearly completed it when he had this heart trouble .
15 He makes me laugh though , I mean , as soon as I came downstairs and he 'd been in the lounge
16 He 's a gem , always full of good humour , and he 's been on a few times , now , but this particular moment was when I noticed in the studio lights a glint of trouser zip .
17 And he 's been under somebody or other at Charing Cross Hospital I , who has a rather different approach to the whole thing , many other people 's involve rest and doing nothing and so on and so forth .
18 There are 80 organic wines on his list ( ‘ no chemicals so less chance of a hangover ’ ) and he 's been to loads of vineyards to make sure production is as natural as possible without actually treading the grapes .
19 He 's watched football in every league ground in England , all 92 , and he 's been to America , to watch West Bromwich playing in America , he 's been to the last two or three world cup tournaments , and he goes to all the matches away , you know , European cup matches and everything that English teams are playing in , he 's all over the world watching it , you see , This year , he 's watched 22 games , which is about fifty per cent of his normal , and even he 's getting browned off …
20 And he 's been to the doctors , he goes to doctor
21 Champagne for breakfast , and he 's been at it ever since .
22 Michael had a nice fiddle going , and he 's been at it for over a year now .
23 ‘ Pay Homage should have won his last race at Goodwood and he 's been in fine form all year , ’ Ian said .
24 It were a bit swollen yesterday and he 's been in bed day , when he 's got up this morning that 's how
25 And he 's been in contact , he 's after them
26 This was a splendid entrepreneurial venture and he has been on the attack ever since — as a one-man information explosion and the biggest influence on British printing since Caxton .
27 He is very affectionate , and I would n't be without him now , and he has been to the vet 's for his injections so as to avoid another disaster .
28 ‘ Tagan is our best tracker , ’ Ratagan said , ‘ and he has been to the Greshorns . ’
29 His first position was with the old Edinburgh Corporation as a trainee valuer and he has been with Lothian Regional Council since reorganisation in 1975 .
30 This was in September 1989 and he has been in prison since .
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