Example sentences of "and he [verb] [pron] by " in BNC.

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1 And he irritates me by repeating things over and over again . ’
2 I and my new friend then went to Ku where he took another 15,000 pesetas off me — the price had gone up , he said — and he parked me by the dance-floor and said he 'd be back in five minutes .
3 There was a paddle with which Koresh beat his followers and he intimidated them by openly boasting , in crude detail , about even worse brutality .
4 He was pulling him , trying to get him off me — he threw him — he just threw him at the bed — I knew he was all right , he were screaming but I could n't — they were both screaming , Cathy and Gary both , and he got me by the throat .
5 And so , Pilate he tries to do this , he tries first of all to shift the responsibility , and he does it by different methods , first of all he sends into Herod , the king then he suggests that Barabbas should be released to the people , now however , both of these methods of shifting responsibility have failed and the ball is firmly back with Pilate .
6 Alina was holding onto the door , because the six steps that she 'd taken to reach it had almost been enough to exhaust her ; Belov dusted off his hands and came over to her now , and he took her by the shoulders and turned her around and steered her back toward the bed that she 'd just left .
7 A deeper pink suffused his face , colouring the skin between the freckles of pale orange that the tropical sun had cast there , and he took her by the wrists and said , in English , ‘ Maybe , we 'll see , maybe one day . ’
8 ‘ I hate cocaine , ’ he said finally , and he surprised me by saying it for the Maggot had always struck me as one of life 's rebels .
9 I love to watch him , because he 's intelligent and he has extraordinary drive and he takes us by surprise , but he is n't an intuitive actor , and we 're aware of how cleverly he 's playing the part . ‘
10 He does n't leave that sheep that he 's rescued in the wilderness , but he brings that one safely home as Jesus says , on his shoulder rejoicing , and he leads it by , as David says , the still waters , and by those green and verdant and lush pastures .
11 His intense irritation with his distant superiors transferred itself with an illogical rush to the silent girl , and he caught her by the arm .
12 Small , jerkily spasmodic movements stirred her whole body as she strained towards him , and he steadied her by sliding an arm about her waist , still intent on the proud thrust of the breast he was ravishing with such devastatingly effective skill .
13 And he shook me by the throat
14 As Pip has realised that Magwitch is Estella 's father and he comforts him by telling him that his daughter is still alive and that he is in love with her .
15 He was bigger than I and he grabbed me by my Sidcot collar and hauled me in the direction of the CFI 's office , I did not even have time to shake off my parachute before we burst into the " Holiest of Holies " .
16 Pascoe 's colour rose and he shocked her by the vehemence of his refusal .
17 ‘ I think , for perhaps the first and only time in his life , William had been trying to shake off his obsession , and he did it by getting as far away from temptation as possible .
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