Example sentences of "and with the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He took the opportunity to bring forward again the British view that West German rearmament could easily be achieved , and with the necessary level of supervision to quell the worries of France and others , within NATO itself .
2 ‘ Our world has just been cleansed , Sir , at enormous cost — and with the whole-hearted co-operation of his Lordship .
3 During the past ten to 15 years a few new bungalows have been built , and with the eight council houses built in the 1930s , there is a pleasing variety of architectural styles .
4 The head who described this process pointed to two matters of importance : " I wanted a systematic curriculum with the sharing of opportunities fully understood by parents and staff , and with the pastoral organization of the school running smoothly alongside the curriculum scheme . "
5 The dates are relevant in that they merge in with meetings and other interactions between the BYU and the University of Utah team and with the developing programme of the latter group .
6 Much of each judgment was taken up with painstaking reviews of the historical and social context of the advertisement 's publication , with the syntactical features of the sentence and its relationship to the rest of the advertisement , and with the undeniable fact that indeed there was considerable ‘ evidence ’ about the matters at hand at the time of the advertisement 's publication .
7 Once the chips are correctly installed you can reassemble the machine making sure that all the connectors are replaced in the correct location and with the appropriate orientation .
8 Certainly we do wish sometimes to say this of animals and , strictly by analogy and with the appropriate language-game in mind , justifiably do so .
9 We are thus concerned both with language education for all teachers , and with the specific language education of teachers of particular languages , including classics , English as a mother tongue , modern foreign languages , community languages of minority groups , ESL and EFL .
10 These verses suggest very clearly that God created the physical world for our use and pleasure , with sufficient resources for our needs and with the specific commission to harness the resources of the natural world for our benefit .
11 With the European Community continuing to have a major impact on the key corporate tax planning issues associated with operations in mainland Europe , and with the wide divergence of personal tax practices and rules globally , keeping abreast of developments is essential for all practitioners .
12 And with the thirtieth autumn
13 ‘ Help with games and with the small boarding section .
14 With fewer of those serving having been to Sunday school and with the small number of hymns learnt at school , the repertoire is very limited .
15 Any new hands were expected to learn the ropes from the old hands and with the small number of personnel involved together with the expertise of the ex-service officers the system worked quite satisfactorily .
16 Though there were grumblings in the league , Athens was now formally at peace , for the first time since the Persian Wars , having settled her differences both with Sparta , provisionally , and with the Great King .
17 By the time our forbears were established tree-dwellers , the cerebral hemispheres had almost lost their original association with smell , and with the great expansion of the parts devoted to vision , hearing , touch and movement , you have something like the modern primate brain .
18 She closed her eyes again , wondering how long , and then opened them wide , staring in disbelief as he withdrew from her , his act far from complete , got up and with the purest gesture of impatience she had ever seen , threw an Oriental robe of some kind in garish , tribal colours , around his shoulders .
19 Throughout , the Tsar had made abundantly clear his wish to damage the position of the nobility as little as was compatible with social order — and with the parlous condition of the State Treasury .
20 There is a rich tradition of epidemiological work in geography and with the increasing availability of spatially referenced medical data the scope for GIS applications is wide ( Gatrell 1987 ) .
21 It is impossible not to connect this finding both with the introduction of machines and with the increasing alarm among the men .
22 Although , with the elimination of Barbe and Celor from the leadership in August 1931 , and with the increasing prominence given by Maurice Thorez and Jacques Duclos in 1932 to a popular front approach , the ferocity of sectarian politics abated somewhat between 1931 and 1933 , nevertheless the period from 1927 to 1933 , during which Nizan was initiated into communist party politics , was characterised above all by what is perhaps most accurately described as " sectarian simplicity " .
23 This is partly because of the difficulty in deciding where boundaries should be drawn , a difficulty which has increased in recent years with the development of new organizational forms ( such as ‘ hived-off ’ agencies ) and with the increasing interpenetration of the public and private sectors .
24 In the meantime he engaged in a fierce dispute , both with the Levant Company , which financed the embassy but no longer nominated its occupant , and with the retiring ambassador Sir Peter Wyche [ q.v . ] .
25 ‘ We are delighted with the quality of workforce we have recruited in Scotland , and with the European marketplace showing excellent sales potential , we are looking to expand all manufacturing facilities in Livingston and Bo'ness . ’
26 He was awarded the Diploma of the Hague Academy of International Law in 1965 and his experience of the practice of international law with the United Nations Relief Works Agency ( Unrwa ) in Beirut , with the Hague Unification Conference and with the European Commission marked him out as exceptional .
27 Time to leave the village now ; I drive over the hill into the next valley , past brown winter hills scarred with peat diggings and with the occasional relief of green patches of sphagnum moss .
28 This was the time she enjoyed most ; when she could relax in the cosy drawing room , with its pale green walls and deep floral armchairs , and with the cheery fire-glow sending out waves of warmth that made her deliciously sleepy .
29 It restricts the mobility of the family , it does not create pride of ownership , it does not give a sense of belonging within the community , it encourages crime and with the resultant loss of personal safety .
30 Another general election was not due until May 1994 , and with the amended law perceived as likely to benefit the ND , the opposition had less incentive to press for an early election .
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