Example sentences of "and the [adj] time [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In the centuries between the collapse of the Roman Empire and the present time Split has lived under many regimes and nationalities .
2 Chettle back into the Leicester half now Thomson and Agnew combining well and the first time Ball volleyed out towards Ormanroyd .
3 Spontaneous regression of faecal incontinence in our patients is unlikely because of the duration of symptoms before biofeedback and the close time relation between treatment and improvement .
4 For example , when the phase shift β is always small enough to make the approximation or and the corresponding time delay per section is inversely proportional to .
5 The close relationship observed between the width of each magnetic anomaly and the corresponding time scale of magnetic reversals , which by now had been accurately established by the radiometric dating of terrestrial lavas , convinced many earth scientists of the reality of sea-floor spreading .
6 Study past exam papers , noting the exam format , the choice of questions , and the all-important time limit .
7 Self-awareness , at its deepest level , involves at one and the same time awareness both of our finitude and of the infinity on which we depend .
8 At bottom this division is based on the fact that he is at one and the same time part of the natural order — along with the elements , plants and animals — yet also a spiritual and personal being who feels a destiny and calling to rule over the natural world .
9 This effort on Nizan 's part to promote orthodox sectarian communist party ideology within a bourgeois context found no greater expression than during the year he spent in Bourg-en-Bresse , when he was at one and the same time philosophy teacher at the Lycee Lalande and communist party candidate at the general election of 1932 .
10 At one and the same time advocacy for dispersal from big cities was related to proposals for planned development in the depressed regions .
11 Perhaps a graphic parallel would be to imagine that a country existed in the middle of Europe which was at one and the same time Catholic , Protestant , Jewish and Islamic , while sharing equally the cultural and economic influence of the USA , USSR , and China !
12 The larger the flock , the less time individual doves spend peeking and the more time sleeping .
13 The curvature of space-time caused by the matter in the universe can then lead to the three space directions and the imaginary time direction meeting up around the back .
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