Example sentences of "and within a [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 These standards vary both between cultures and within a culture over time — part of the sociologist 's ( and the historian 's ) job is to try to find out why .
2 Make a X-cut in the top of the stump with a knife , and within a couple of months a series of small cabbages will develop from the cuts .
3 Britain won the title , and within a couple of years Fritzi and Rixi had become an internationally celebrated bridge double-act .
4 A side table was brought for McKillop and within a couple of minutes he had beside him a cup of tea and a plate with two small cakes upon it .
5 One twelve-inch Marathon record achieved a playing-time of more than 16 minutes , spread over two sides ; but customers had to change the soundbox of their record-players to cope with ‘ hill-and-dale ’ grooves , and within a couple of years non-standardization had claimed another victim .
6 And within a couple of months , Leopold 's fears on one score were proving justified .
7 Miss Honey did just that , and within a couple of weeks she had moved into The Red House , the very place in which she had been brought up and where luckily all the family furniture and pictures were still around .
8 And within a couple of hours he was pitched into a trial outing for a place in Liverpool 's opening Premier League match at Nottingham Forest on Sunday .
9 I sit and think how I 've struggled to get a home together , and within a couple of minutes it 's all smashed up .
10 And within a couple of years districts will have district wide local plan coverage we hope .
11 The three won a place following a regional ‘ cook-off ’ and now face the task of preparing a three-course meal for four within two and a half hours and within a budget of £30 .
12 Chopra sensed the two women were together and within a kilometre of the castle .
13 We can live in a place ten years and within a fortnight of moving out it is as if we have never been there .
14 Leading 10-8 and within a frame of the title , Wattana had the sublime confidence of youth to go for the $100,000 jackpot prize on offer for a 147 , choosing reds more suitable for continuing the red-black sequence than those which offered maximum certainty of winning the title-clinching frame .
15 Thus the RAF commenced its preparation to meet Hitler 's Luftwaffe and within a handful of years added roughly one million , including WAAF , to Baldwin 's original figure .
16 Dong , because of his unusual height , had a clear view of the new arrivals above the heads of the crowd — and within a matter of seconds his startled eyes fell on two familiar faces that he had not seen for well over a year .
17 ‘ Try a window , ’ shouted someone , and within a matter of minutes two men had stout stakes and were breaking in the ground-floor windows .
18 ‘ Bill can put pen to paper and within a matter of seconds do a cartoon , so we thought why not have a cartoon book about Wirral , ’ said Ian who runs the business with Marilyn from their home in Acrefield Road , Prenton .
19 The rise of the hill is dominated by a statue of Robert the Bruce on horseback , and within a swirl of concrete rotunda is the Borestone , at which the first blow of the battle was struck and by which Bruce set up his standard .
20 He looked around and within a radius of twenty yards , both on his side of the street and over there on the far corner , he could see ten or a dozen little girls , each in a pale dirty dress and with hair in a dark , tangled mane .
21 And within a week of switching to a macrobiotic diet the pains had eased .
22 A secret operation to close down BCCI was co-ordinated by the Bank of England and international banking authorities , and within a week of the report 's submission , most of the bank 's assets were seized .
23 PEP had set up a Post-war Aims Group even before the war began , and within a week of its outbreak had circulated.a draft report on war aims .
24 But for the Munitions of War Act of July 1915 which enabled the Board of Trade if necessary to impose arbitrated settlements on unwilling employers , the union 's policy of patriotic co-operation must surely have failed and within a month of the passing of that Act the waters were muddied by another development which the union considered to be even more sinister — the demand from the " Reptile press represented by the Daily Mail , Times and associate journals " , for conscription .
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