Example sentences of "and put she [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Catching hold of her and she could n't get back do you seem because he had slipped this hand down this stick , got hold of her and he you see , and then I let go of the dog and take the the front feet and we used to drag her out like that you see , from the burrow and put her in a bag .
2 she said yeah she said sorted that out and put her in a trolley
3 Cos she 's gone mad and they put it on her , right , and they , they 're holding her and they 're tapping out of the stage sidewards and she 's sort of like going like this , she , she , thinks all these nice men 'll love me and then like at the end of the show you see them , they 're tapping her out of the studio and putting her into a van and she 's still wearing a straight jacket and smiling at you .
4 But when the frail widow let the man into her home to shelter , he knocked her to the floor and put her through a savage attack .
5 John was delighted , not only with her considerable ability but also with her smallness , and put her into the Manchester Mites .
6 ‘ Because when ben Issachar exorcised Kokos , and put her into the tree … ’
7 Paramedics had to give Lesley a litre of plasma in an emergency transfusion and put her on a drip before she was taken to hospital .
8 Folasade felt she had changed in that having a baby had given her more confidence and put her on a more equal footing with her mother .
9 By the time I 'd caught the dog and put her in a box Rodney had disappeared into the gloom .
10 The BPA pay for her ticket out there and put her in a yard .
11 The city council , responsible for housing people with Aids , has taken her off the streets and put her in a room in a single-occupancy hotel .
12 Once upon a time ( I said , and he stared bitterly bitterly at the floor ) there was a very ugly monster who captured a princess and put her in a dungeon in his castle .
13 I paid 100 pesos for them to tidy her up and put her in a 900 peso coffin on which I paid a 200 peso deposit .
14 They wheeled her bed down a corridor , and put her in a huge bare room with blazing lights .
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