Example sentences of "and put he [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Erm I mean I 'm concerned again through his eyesight that i were we to put him as the assistant and put him on a machine , that he might just put his hand somewhere and get his hand bloody trapped or whatever with his eyesight .
2 erm the managerial action which is available for you , t to take him out of there and put him into a different post , because he 's not capable of doing .
3 In fact , if he had n't have knocked him and out and put him in a coma in last round that Michael Watson would have won it .
4 Yes go and put him in a slice of toast Matt
5 But if we ca n't then we take him out of Saint Christopher 's next year and put him in a state school .
6 They 've had him from the Wednesday , was it the Wed er , no from the Saturday to the Wednesday cos she was working and they took him on to seaside somewhere and when come home , he 's having stitches in his head where he 'd fell , he hit it on the stone or summat and I said oh did he enjoy it apart from that , she said he was a swine last night , he was screaming and hitting me and she called her husband down from work , she could n't control him , said she should of smacked his arse and put him in the cot .
7 By the final scene , however , we infer his dislike of McKendrick from the fact that having seriously impinged on his negative face by placing Hollar 's thesis in his briefcase and putting him into a situation of considerable personal danger , he makes no apology for his action whatsoever .
8 Already there was the smell of roast beef and the white-coated cooks stood by with their carving knives waiting to hack the poor beast up and put him between a thousand Yorkshire teacakes .
9 In fact , she thought , tonsure his greying hair and put him into a plain robe and he would have passed for a tubby , somewhat benign-looking monk .
10 Josh Gifford wheeled Honey End round , took him back a few paces and put him at the fence a second time .
11 One day his inquisitors would take Master Learmouth and put him to the question .
12 His return had been delayed by the same blizzard that had almost prevented Judith leaving Manhattan , and put him beyond the deadline Klein had set .
13 The sergeant followed him in and found him smoking and put him on a discipline charge — idling his time .
14 What Hornung had done was to take his brother-in-law 's famous detective , Sherlock Holmes , and put him on the wrong side of the law ; a friendly dedication acknowledged the debt .
15 But it was with the coming of sound , in 1929 , that Colman 's Hollywood career really came into its own : the producer Sam Goldwyn was the first to realize the magic of that infinitely poetic , English voice , and put him under a long-term contract which was to last virtually the whole of the rest of his life .
16 ‘ Then I got Harry out here and put him in a dinghy and we … er … floated down to the lock . ’
17 ’ So I waltzed him across the road and put him in a doorway and left him for somebody else to find .
18 I removed the Lionfish and put him in a quarantine tank , but he died .
19 With a cheery wave he left them , and Kathleen helped the man to his feet and put him in a wheelchair .
20 His first book , Newcastle-upon-Tyne and the Puritan Revolution ( 1967 ) , quickly established him as an important contributor to seventeenth-century studies , and put him in the forefront of the group of scholars who were beginning the process of reinterpreting the English Revolution of the 1640s at the grass roots .
21 The court had taken Harvey away from his father and put him in the foster home ‘ until such time as the father can control his drinking and make a safe home for the boy . ’
22 Gently , he carried him outside and put him in the basket .
23 He told the assembly 's members that if they did not vote down the existing chief minister , a supporter of Mr Sharif 's , and put him in the post instead , the president would dissolve the assembly and they would all lose their jobs .
24 If you like I could have a word with the Chief Constable and put him in the picture , should you deem it appropriate . ’
25 ‘ Which is why I 've spoken to the captain and put him in the picture .
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