Example sentences of "and leave [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The more respectable leaders of the Catholic community could not possibly sit back and leave things to the radicals of the DHAC .
2 Woods has outlined some of the constraints that appear to induce survival-based patterns of teaching in the secondary school system — the raising of the school-leaving age ( to which we would now add growing youth unemployment ) , which encourages staying-on among those not otherwise especially enamoured of their school experience ; the persistence and extension of 16+ examinations against which teachers ' own success will be judged ( more of this later ) ; continuing high levels of class size and teacher-pupil ratios that make individualized treatment and small-group work difficult ; and declining levels of resources , which make experimentation and adjustment of learning tasks to individual needs problematic and leave teachers in the position of having to rely on their own personal resources for managing the class .
3 Pollutions which are high in suspended solids make water appear murky and leave deposits on the beds and banks of watercourses .
4 Quarrying companies blast away the sides of beautiful valleys , destroy footpaths , old woodlands , Iron Age settlements and other antiquities and leave areas of the Dales looking like the surface of the moon .
5 Another distinctive feature is the tendency of certain pigments ( found only in older rugs ) to erode the pile and leave areas of the design with a charred appearance .
6 ‘ Stay here in Anjou and leave England to the rule of a man . ’
7 Trim crusts and leave bread at the bottom of a very low oven for several hours until crisp and pale brown .
8 The third-world prescription was clear : liberalise trade immediately and leave privatisation for the longer term .
9 The big disadvantage of conventional paints is that they contain a high percentage of solvents which evaporate when the paint dries and leave traces in the atmosphere .
10 … it seems clear that either the basic subscription should be increased to say £12 so as to recover the cost of four issues of the journal and leave £7 for the lifeboat service , or members should be asked to pay a subscription for the journal .
11 The X-rays were quickly ( and accidentally ) found to penetrate living tissue and leave shadows of the less penetrable denser parts , allowing X-ray pictures to be made of the skeleton .
12 Iraq is told to obey Security Council Resolution 660 and leave Kuwait at the point of American guns .
13 One writer described couples entering and leaving church in the 1870s as ‘ cool and businesslike , as though having paid the deposit on the purchase of a donkey or a handsome barrow , they were just going in with their witnesses to settle the bargain ’ .
14 The situation is hopeless and , to pay back just the interest , countries have to scrimp and save every penny ; that means no proper forest protection and leaving forests in the hands of the merchants , often unscrupulous and owned by foreign companies .
15 He refused to comply and left Oxford after the first year to join the Guardian where he remained for seven years before taking up a post as an investigative journalist with a left-wing French newspaper .
16 The result dashed England 's hopes of winning the Triple Crown and left France as the Five Nations champions .
17 For example , if the Insured goes swimming and leaves valuables in the care of a companion who subsequently falls asleep and the property is stolen , the duty of care will be fulfilled .
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