Example sentences of "and find [conj] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 She tried to imagine them in bed together , and found that the thought made her feel physically ill .
2 therefore investigated recognition memory for conversation in a ‘ soap opera ’ and found that the surface form of an utterance was remembered if it carried some pragmatic meaning .
3 Sampson and Wooldredge ( 1987 ) , made elegant use of the data from the 1982 British Crime Survey and found that the probability of burglary victimisation and household theft victimisation increased with the rate of local unemployment .
4 Goldring says that teachers in 34 states tried Choices and found that the unit answered many students ' needs to discuss their fears about nuclear annihilation .
5 And he said , it looks as though they 've put the chimney on and found that the flue is the ba the boiler 's in the bathroom , so they 've had to come down here .
6 This jealousy between a corps d'elite and those who are not able or willing to come under its patronage is understandable , and became more understandable to me when I reached Hyderabad and found that the Institute was a self-contained and sequestered community , and that its comparatively luxurious campus bore a faint resemblance to a military camp , with living quarters graded according to the status of their occupants .
7 Robyn narrowed her eyes and found that the depth of dislike she felt for this hard-faced , over-made-up woman was plunging to a new-found low .
8 Swinnerton , Curcio and Bennett ( 1988 ) used transactions data on the S&P500 for 1986 , and found that the mispricing was a modest predictor of movements in the spot price over the next five minutes , particularly when futures were overpriced .
9 All subjects participating in our study were caucasians ; we have studied other samples from general populations of caucasian origin and found that the frequency of the ACE/ID polymorphism was fairly similar to that in the ECTIM study .
10 However , Age Concern has done some research and found that the percentage increase in the average income of the lowest quintile of pensioners over the period 1978 to 1988 is 15 per cent .
11 I checked on the school , and found that the man who had owned it went away with his wife when the school closed .
12 ‘ I went to several used car dealers and found that the way most of them described their cars was a far cry from the actual condition they were in , ’ he recalls .
13 On the other hand , Flourens ( in Phillips , Zeki , and Barlow 1984 ) removed various parts of the forebrains of birds and found that the degree of disturbance of behaviour was very much more a function of how much brain was removed than which part was eliminated .
14 I saw an excellent physiotherapist and a chiropractor who subjected me to some tests and found that the ratio between my hamstrings and my quadriceps was n't good enough .
15 On 27 April , an investigating party climbed up from St Pierre to find out what was happening , and found that the Etang Sec now contained a small lake , in the middle of which a small volcanic cone had begun to grow .
16 The EAT set aside the tribunal 's finding of unfair dismissal and found that the employee was entitled to a redundancy payment .
17 Another Bar report , this time on long fraud trials , published in January this year , suggested the formal introduction of plea bargains , and found that the practice was approved by most members of the Bar and of the Judiciary .
18 They added this oligonucleotide to cultured chicken embryo cells infected with Rous sarcoma virus and found that the production of new viruses within the infected cells was strongly inhibited ( Proceedings of the US National Academy of Sciences .
19 Finally they upped the current to 0.2 amps for another two weeks and found that the heat excess rose to 25 per cent .
20 When Ian Thomson and the current editor of The Ley Hunter , Paul Devereux were doing fieldwork for their book The Ley Hunter 's Companion , they visited the crypt and found that the needle of their compass maintained a strange rhythmic ‘ jigging ’ motion .
21 After this time they doubled the amount of current and found that the energy books almost balanced .
22 The Court of Appeal applied the restraint of trade doctrine and found that the agreement was reasonable .
23 When I finally received permission to travel south , we went to the two holiest cities of Shia Islam , Kerbala and Najaf. and found that the buildings there , gorgeous in their gliding and intricate mosaics , had been terribly damaged by the loyalist troops of the Iraqi army when they finally defeated the Shiite uprising in March 1991 .
24 I questioned the bishop about this and found that the monument needed immediate attention but was not of a high priority and no funds were available .
25 Barnes radiotracked a group of hares living on Hampshire farmland and found that the animals are very selective foragers .
26 He is a prolific inventor who helped to start the environmental revolution and , as a result of work undertaken for NASA , studied the conditions necessary for the continued existence of life and found that the Earth constituted a self-regulatory system whereby each of the many variable factors , such as temperature and the composition of air , sea and soil , had been kept within the narrow limits necessary for life to survive for the entire history of the planet .
27 It just grew and grew — I related to it more and found that the repertoire became more and more slide , so now the set is about 70% slide .
28 For two days nothing happened , but on the third morning I checked the tank and found that the fish had spawned .
29 The scientists measured concentrations of CFC-11 and CFC-12 , the two most important ozone destroyers , at locations in both the northern and southern hemispheres and found that the growth rate for CFC-11 concentrations dropped from an annual average of 11 parts per trillion from 1985-88 to 3 parts per trillion in 1993 .
30 Major J. W. Pringle reported that he had examined the car and found that the body had separated from the truck and there were a number of deep chips on the outside edges of the tyres of the wheels .
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